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Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) support for Care Homes
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The BOB Integrated Care Board (ICB) IPC team can support Care Homes across the area with specialist IP&C advice.
ICB may be able to provide:
- Urgent IPC site visits as required for outbreaks or requested by local authorities or CQC.
- Scheduled virtual and face-to-face IPC overview, training including PPE, hand hygiene, IPC standard precautions.
- A quarterly IPC forum/Webinar for care home staff
- Support/guidance with care management of residents diagnosed with C. difficile or bloodstream infections such as E. coli, MRSA.
- Attend the monthly care home forum to support IPC issues.
- IPC services cover care homes, LD, supported living, residential care home and hotels.
- ICB will work collaboratively with the local authorities and UKHSA to support care homes.
- Support to care homes wishing to provide IP&C quality improvement projects e.g., improved hydration of residents or increase knowledge of staff vaccination benefits.
For more information, please contact the IPC team at:
Lydia Rylance-Knight: Head of Infection Prevention & Control and Vaccination
Zahra McKinstry: IPC nurse Buckinghamshire
Hilary Munube: IPC nurse Oxfordshire
Jintana Loss: IPC nurse Berkshire West