Frequently Asked Questions
Creating a new 200 metre section of footway and cycleway with line and markings to separate them on the southern side of Garsington Road between the junction with Hollow Way and the roundabout at the junction with John Smith Drive.
Providing suitable measures to prioritise safer access for people when walking, wheeling, and cycling across the petrol station entrance and the Phipps Road, Napier Road, and St Luke’s Road junctions.
Adding a new crossing with lights at the Garsington Road / John Smith Drive Roundabout (western side of the roundabout) to enable safe space for pedestrians, people wheeling and cyclists to cross the road together.
Adding a new crossing on the northern and southern arms of the Garsington Road / John Smith Drive Roundabout (the entrances to Oxford Business Park).
We may need to move the Voi e-scooter parking bay to a nearby point and adjust the positions of some existing signs and streetlights to accommodate these changes and are currently looking at options for this.
Informal Public Engagement: February – March 2024
Preliminary Design & Statutory Consultation: April 2024
Detailed Design & Cabinet Member Decision: June 2024
Start Construction: summer 2024
Complete Construction: autumn 2024
Design of Phase 2 of the project: summer 2025
Why is the scheme needed?
Oxfordshire County Council is committed to tackling the challenges of climate change, decarbonisation, housing growth, air pollution and the growing public health crisis of physical inactivity by a range of innovative transport measures. The scheme is prioritised in recognition of the need to improve walking, wheeling, and cycling connectivity along the Garsington Road (B480 corridor).
Encouraging more active travel is core to our approach to transport solutions. This is built on the Oxford Transport Strategy within our Local Transport and Connectivity Plan which has the ambition that Oxford will become a world class cycling city with an outstanding public realm for walking.
What improvements works are planned to take place, including those for public transport and walking and cycling?
Is planning consent required?
Planning consent is not required for these improvement works. The work would be carried out on land within the boundaries of a road by the county council, as the highway authority, and would not include any works that may have significant adverse effect on the environment.
Will there be landscaping planted as part of the improvement works?
The scheme does not include any proposal for planting.
When will construction works start and how long will they take?
The current plan is to start the improvement works during summer 2024 (if approval is given for the scheme to go ahead for construction). These works would then finish construction in autumn 2024.
Will there be any road closures during construction?
The Garsington Road (B480 corridor) will mainly remain open for the duration of the works. There may be occasional overnight closures, during works to install the new crossing with lights at the Garsington Road/John Smith Drive Roundabout and during cycleway surfacing at the Shell petrol station entrance. We will be able to advise on times closer to works beginning (should the scheme go ahead).
How much will it cost and where is the money coming from to pay for it?
The UK government’s Department for Transport has allocated funding of £646,500 from the Active Travel Fund Tranche 3 (ATF3). An additional £130,000 has now been provided by Active Travel England (ATE) to support the delivery of this scheme.
What is the impact on traffic going to be?
We will coordinate works to minimise the impact on the network as far as possible. Information signs will be erected to highlight the planned works, dates, and duration of works. We will maintain normal access and emergency access to properties during the works. We recognise that there may be some minor traffic disruption during the works and we will monitor conditions closely and respond accordingly. Further details of proposed traffic management arrangements will be available closer to construction.
How will construction traffic access the site?
The construction team would provide controlled and safe entry and exit points to the construction site during the improvement works. The team would also ensure that only authorised personnel and vehicles can access the site and that the safety of workers and the public are protected.
What is the width of the proposed cycleway and footway?
The width of the proposed cycleway and footway varies along the route. The majority of the route is within the minimum width of 2m cycleway and 2m footway (one way). There are some pinch points along the route where they are less than 2m.
What will be the proposed speed limit of Garsington Road?
We are not currently proposing to make any change to the current speed limit on Garsington Road, which is 30 mph
Will the road be street lit?
The road has existing streetlights. The scheme does not include any proposal for installing additional streetlights.
What is the timescale of the programme?
Will there be noise and dust during construction?
There may be some noise and dust from the equipment that would be used for the work. The construction team will seek to reduce noise and dust as far as reasonably practical, and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience that these works may cause.
What will the emergency services do?
Emergency services will carry on business as usual. We do not expect to disrupt emergency services during these works.
Will the contractor be using local subcontractors and/or will they be employing apprentices for the proposed works?
The details of the contractor will be available closer to construction works starting, should the works be approved.
How is OCC considering the environmental impact of the planned improvements and will any trees be removed?
We are not planning to remove any trees during these works should the works be approved.
Did you look at other options on this road before making these proposals?
This route is identified within the Oxford Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). The phase 1 proposed work is on the southern side of Garsington Road where there is a missing section of segregated off-road cycleway. This option is being proposed to be consistent with the existing segregated off-road path. The works for this phase are quite constrained and have little or no scope for alternative options within the limited available budget.
Will we be consulted on the phase two works that you mention on the website?
Funding for phase 2 is for feasibility and preliminary design only. OCC will involve key stakeholders in the development of phase 2 proposals. Consultation with the wider community will be carried out when funding for full design & construction has been secured.
Why are you giving priority to pedestrians and cyclists on a road that is such a busy vehicular route in and out of the city?
Rules for all types of road users have been updated in The Highway Code to improve the safety of people walking, wheeling, and cycling. The code clarifies that when people cycling are going straight ahead at a junction, they have priority over traffic waiting to turn into or out of a side road, unless road signs or markings indicate otherwise. Road users are reminded to be considerate of other road users and be mindful of possible blind spots or distractions.
Why are you putting bikes on the pavement where they could seem a danger to vulnerable pedestrians/people using mobility aids?
In many cases cyclists use the pavement because they feel the road to be too dangerous. By extending the cycle path and ensuring it is clearly marked this helps cyclists to be better aware of people on the footway, and keep on the cycle path side.
What are you doing to help disabled access?
The scheme is being designed in line with LTN 1/20 Cycling Infrastructure Design to meet the standards of access and inclusion. This includes detailed standards on the layout of footways and crossing points including dropped kerbs, tactile paving, and facilities at signalled controlled crossings.
How can I ask a question, request further details, or make a compliment /complaint/comment?
If you would like to know more about the project, you can contact us by email: