Oxford, Garsington Road - proposed cycle way improvements
Consultation has concluded
This informal survey has now closed. From 25 April 2024 at 0800h until 25 May 2024 at 1700h, a formal survey is open for you to share your views.
The formal survey takes research and feedback from the informal survey to build on the plans presented in the informal survey and formalise a draft plan for you to view and share your feedback on. You can view and respond to the formal survey here: https://letstalk.oxfordshire.gov.uk/oxford_b480garsingtonroad_improvements
Results from the informal survey:
We will be publishing a formal report for decision at a cabinet member meeting on 20 June 2024
As a part of the report package we will be sharing details of both the informal and the formal surveys, including feedback from letters and emails, and provided in person. The reports will not show any personal data.
The informal survey received 56 full responses, with 744 people viewing the survey pages and 209 people viewing or downloading the plans.
The survey results show a majority of the respondents support the overall scheme proposals with an average of 74% support.
The table below breaks down the number of responses with level of support for each component, of the 56 responses. It does not include figures for ‘No opinion’ answers, or answers not completed by respondents.
(Survey summary also available with list instead of table as a more accessible document in the maps and drawings section)
Key takeaways from the informal survey:
There are five clear points that were consistently made across the informal survey responses, meetings feedback, letters and emails.
- Primarily, most people fed back that they felt that safety for people walking/wheeling and cycling is very important, and these small changes are very welcome
- Many people expressed hope that the improvements can be extended to the Hollow Way/Between Towns Road junction and beyond (into Between Towns Road and Oxford Road) where they felt the infrastructure for walking, wheeling, and cycling needed some more focus for improved facilities.
- There are worries about traffic behaviour – with concerns that traffic approaching the city currently does and will continue to queue across the junctions. Survey respondents say this needs more enforcement and/or more zebra crossings. There are also concerns that cyclists using the shared path do not and may not cycle allowing suitable space for people walking and wheeling.
- Some cyclists responding to the survey have fed back that it currently feels unsafe coming off the cycle path and into traffic (going straight ahead or turning).
- Some of the survey respondents felt that there was already sufficient cycling infrastructure on Garsington Road, and that the proposals would waste money on a non-central location whilst slowing up motor traffic and impacting an already strained highway network.
About the Oxford, Garsington Road - proposed cycle way improvements
Missed this survey? View and contribute to the follow-up survey at: https://letstalk.oxfordshire.gov.uk/oxford_b480garsingtonroad_improvements
The Garsington Road Active Travel scheme is a transport and connectivity project aimed at encouraging walking, wheeling, and cycling (active travel) along the Garsington Road (B480), in Oxford.
The project will provide pedestrians, cyclists and school children with safer crossing facilities and priority through the area. It reinforces Oxfordshire County Council’s priorities to take action to create a transport network that improves safety on our highways, makes active travel the first choice for short journeys and prioritises the health and well-being of residents.
Drawings showing further details of our proposals are available to view and download in the Maps and Drawings section on this page. You can also read more about the proposed scheme on our website at: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/garsingtonroadtravel
We asked your feedback on our phase one (cycle way improvements) proposals:
Our phase one proposals are on the following changes to the Garsington Road (B480 corridor) to encourage walking, wheeling, and cycling in the area:
Creating a new 200-metre section of footway and cycleway with line and markings to separate them on the southern side of Garsington Road between the junction with Hollow Way and the roundabout at the junction with John Smith Drive
Providing suitable measures to prioritise safer access for people when walking, wheeling, and cycling across the petrol station entrance and the Phipps Road, Napier Road, and St Luke’s Road junctions
Adding a new crossing with lights at the Garsington Road/John Smith Drive Roundabout (western side of the roundabout)
Adding a new crossing (raised section) on the northern (Oxford Business Park entrance) and southern (John Smith Drive) arms of the Garsington Road/John Smith Drive Roundabout
We may need to move the Voi e-scooter parking bay to a nearby point and adjust the positions of some existing signs and streetlights to accommodate these changes and are currently looking at options for this.
The Frequently asked questions (FAQs) section provides answers to common queries about the scheme.
Why we are investing here
The Garsington Road Active Travel scheme is strongly aligned with the County Council’s ‘vision’ set out within the ‘Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP, 2022 – 2050)’, which includes reducing the need to travel by private car journeys through making walking, cycling, public and shared transport the natural first choice. In addition, the scheme will play an important role in helping us to meet the headline targets that underpin the vision and key themes that are set out in the LTCP.
The county council was allocated £10,439,437 by the UK Government’s Department for Transport (DfT) as part of the Active Travel Fund Tranche 3 (ATF3) funding round in May 2022. This funding was allocated for infrastructure delivery and feasibility/design work on a selection of defined projects that the council put forward in its bid. Two adjacent projects along Oxford Cycle Route (OCR) 14, on Garsington Road, received funding.
Future works (phase two)
After completion of phase one we would begin feasibility and preliminary design work for improvements to the B480/Hollow Way junction and the B480/Between Towns Road junction to provide better access and safety for pedestrians and cyclists. This includes a review of two existing pelican crossings (crossings with traffic lights to stop traffic so pedestrians can cross) at the B480/Hollow Way junction. The review will determine whether there is a current requirement for toucan crossings at these points.
How can I get involved
We are holding an informal public consultation and we would like to invite local residents and businesses to share their views on proposals for phase one of the Garsington Road Active Travel scheme - to improve the cycle way and add new crossings between Hollow Way and John Smith Drive.
You can share your views on the proposals for phase one by completing an online survey. The survey will be open from 12pm on Wednesday 28 February 2024 until 11:59pm on Wednesday 27 March 2024.
Alternatively you can send your response directly via email to garsingtonroadactivetravel@oxfordshire.gov.uk or by writing a letter to this address as one line in the middle of the envelope: Freepost OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (No further address details are required and you do not need a stamp.) Please also write ‘Garsington Road Active Travel’ on the top left corner of the envelope, so we can easily identify what is inside.
What happens next?
Once the consultation period has finished on 27 March 2024, we will review all the responses received and consider any necessary design changes. Depending on the outcome of the consultation, we will finalise the scheme design and then carry out any necessary statutory consultation.
Please note that this consultation relates to phase one of the scheme only.