Who is leading this work at Oxfordshire County Council?
This work is being led by Annelies Henshall, Principal Social Worker, supported by a small project team including engagement and communications specialists and data and insight specialists in communications, strategy and insight. At a senior level it is sponsored by Jean Kelly, Deputy Director for Children’s Social Care.
Is the survey confidential and GDPR compliant?
Yes, the ‘Your Life Beyond Care’ survey forms are anonymous and fully confidential so that our young people can fully express their views without risk of negative consequences. The survey process is fully GDPR compliant. In this instance, Bright Spots is the data controller and will provide us with anonymised raw data, excluding any personal details and identifying information given in free text responses. Aside from counts, the county council will not provide Bright Spots with any information regarding our care leavers.
What happens after the survey has closed?
Bright Spots will create a bespoke report, comparing our findings to the national average (children in care and care leavers in other authorities) as well as to findings from similar surveys in the general population. The report will highlight areas of good practice where children and young people are flourishing – as well as indicating areas of improvement where further work may be needed. The Bright Spots report will be reproduced in different formats and shared widely.
We will also invite the Bright Spots team to present key findings to professionals to encourage service-wide discussion and exploration of the findings and to children and young people.