Methodology for implementing a transfer from Schools to High Needs block
In the event of an agreement to a transfer to the High Needs block by either Schools Forum or the Secretary of State, the methodology for reducing schools funding allocations needs to be agreed.
The LA proposes a percentage reduction to Basic Entitlement (otherwise known as Age Weighted Pupil Units or AWPU) Factor values for Primary, Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. This is in line with the proposals in the recent DfE Direct NFF Consultation and has a number of advantages over adjusting all or other factor values. These include being of relative benefit to schools with high proportions of pupils with additional needs, and, by not applying a percentage reduction to the Lump Sum, it is also of relative benefit to smaller schools.
Modelling has been undertaken using the October 2021 census data, 2023-24 NFF factor values, and the provisional DSG figures published in July 2022. This suggests that a percentage reduction to AWPU factor rates of less than 1% (approximately 0.8%) could achieve a £2.3m transfer (0.5%) and still allow all other NFF factor values to be met in full (including Oxfordshire’s Area Cost Adjustment - ACA). The potential impact on different size schools is shown in the full document.
For Primary, the adjustment represents an approximate reduction of £26 on the 2023-24 NFF AWPU rate, including the Area Cost Adjustment for Oxfordshire. For Key Stage 3, approximately £36 and Key Stage 4 approximately £41 reduction. These are different to the average per pupil reduction of £27, as the reductions are proportional to the AWPU rates (Primary, KS3 and KS4), some schools will receive protection to maintain the Minimum per pupil level of funding (MPPL) and there are variations to the Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG).
If a block transfer is agreed, do you agree with the proposed methodology to adjust for any agreed transfer by a percentage reduction to the Basic Entitlement (AWPU) factor values?