Schools funding formula consultation - 2023-24

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Funding for schools is determined by the National Funding Formula (NFF).

Oxfordshire are consulting you to obtain your views on:

  • the best way to manage any shortfall in funding that occurs between funding at the full National Funding Formula rates and the funding available
  • how to apply any funding that remains after funding the National Funding Formula in full for Schools
  • a Block Transfer from the Schools Block to High Needs

Information to help you complete the survey can be found in the consultation document.

What happens next:

Your views will be taken forward to Schools Forum on November 8th 2022.

Your views are important as they influence the decision that Schools Forum makes and the decision that the County Council Cabinet make on the Funding Formula

Your views also influence the Secretary of State decision on whether to transfer funds from the School Block to High Needs

Funding for schools is determined by the National Funding Formula (NFF).

Oxfordshire are consulting you to obtain your views on:

  • the best way to manage any shortfall in funding that occurs between funding at the full National Funding Formula rates and the funding available
  • how to apply any funding that remains after funding the National Funding Formula in full for Schools
  • a Block Transfer from the Schools Block to High Needs

Information to help you complete the survey can be found in the consultation document.

What happens next:

Your views will be taken forward to Schools Forum on November 8th 2022.

Your views are important as they influence the decision that Schools Forum makes and the decision that the County Council Cabinet make on the Funding Formula

Your views also influence the Secretary of State decision on whether to transfer funds from the School Block to High Needs

  • Annual consultation on the Schools Funding formula, including consultation on a possible transfer from the Schools block to High Needs

    Complete Form
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Page last updated: 08 Jan 2025, 07:27 PM