School readiness and lifelong learning strategic plan

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Consultation has concluded

In early 2023, we invited feedback from parents/carers and stakeholders in the form of 2 surveys. It outlined the school readiness and lifelong learning strategic plan developed in 2020 which outlined our vision for children and young people to be well educated and grow up to lead successful, happy, healthy and safe lives in Oxfordshire.

You said:

A total of 51 stakeholder responses and 158 parent/carer responses were received. Overall, participants have requested information on websites being clearer to support parents, a focus on mental health and well-being , better data sharing on platforms and less waiting lists for support services.

We did:

Based on the feedback we are now writing recommendations which will be shared and published.

Information from the initial consultation can be found here.

In early 2023, we invited feedback from parents/carers and stakeholders in the form of 2 surveys. It outlined the school readiness and lifelong learning strategic plan developed in 2020 which outlined our vision for children and young people to be well educated and grow up to lead successful, happy, healthy and safe lives in Oxfordshire.

You said:

A total of 51 stakeholder responses and 158 parent/carer responses were received. Overall, participants have requested information on websites being clearer to support parents, a focus on mental health and well-being , better data sharing on platforms and less waiting lists for support services.

We did:

Based on the feedback we are now writing recommendations which will be shared and published.

Information from the initial consultation can be found here.