European Political Community summit – Blenheim Palace 18 July 2024

The UK will host the European Political Community meeting (EPC) on 18 July 2024, at Blenheim Palace, bringing together around 50 leaders from across Europe. The EPC provides an important opportunity for the leaders of countries across the continent to meet face to face and discuss key issues. The Foreign Commonwealth Development Office, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire County Council and Thames Valley Police are working to ensure the security operation for the event causes minimal disruption to you. However, due to the scale of the event and the high-profile attendees this must be balanced with the need to provide sufficient security measures to allow the event to run safely. Planned road closures Some limited road closures will be in operation, with official diversions in place, to allow for the safe running of the event. The exact timings and locations of the closures will be confirmed nearer the time. Disruption will be kept to a minimum on the day itself, with some limited preparations the day before and day after. With this in mind, it is expected that the road network in the area will be busier than usual in the lead up to and day after the event. Please allow yourself extra time to make your journey. The road closures will be accompanied by temporary gates and barriers. Police officers will be posted at these gates 24/7 while the road closures are in place. Their purpose is to control access through the road closures and into the roads listed above. No stopping zones The main impact in Woodstock will be a ‘clearway’ (stretches of road where vehicles are forbidden to stop) which will be in effect for a similar time as the road closures. This allows for additional security in the area by preventing vehicles from stopping along certain routes through Bladon and Woodstock. While there will be no stopping or on road parking, the roads will remain open. Official on street parking and delivery bays along the routes, including those in Woodstock village will still be in operation and will be available for use as usual. We will ensure there are clear signs and cones advising of the restrictions and police officers will be there to patrol on foot and in vehicles. The road closures will be accompanied by temporary gates and barriers. Police officers will be posted at these gates 24/7 while the road closures are in place. Their purpose is to control access through the road closures. On the Blenheim Estate Public rights of way on the estate will be closed 16 – 19 July. Pedestrians and cyclists will be diverted from the A44 by Blenheim Palace gates into Cadogan Park and the bus stops directly outside the main gates will be suspended and passengers directed to the next stop southwards adjacent to Long Close. As a local resident, we are committed to keeping you updated with key information surrounding this event, particularly in relation to road closures and any disruption this could cause. Bin collections will happen as normal on week commencing 15 July. Although we do ask that residents ensure bins are taken in as soon as possible after collections. Any bins left out on 17 July may be removed for security reasons. We appreciate that these measures may delay you accessing or leaving your homes or places of work, however we will do everything possible to minimise such disruption. We understand these restrictions will impact you whilst the summit is in place and apologise for the inconvenience. There will be community meetings held in the following locations, where you can raise any questions you may have in relation to this event: - Blenheim Palace, Marlborough Room on 27 June at 7pm - Combe Reading Room, OX29 8NT on 2 July at 7pm We would like to thank you for your understanding. Foreign Commonwealth Development Office Oxfordshire County Council Thames Valley Police

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