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Combined registration and consent form

This combined registration and consent form must be completed in full and submitted by Monday 24 February.

We'll let those who have submitted forms know if they have a place at one of the three events, and will provide further information, from Monday 24 February.

If you have any questions, please contact: 

Thank you.

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Combined registration and consent form

Please fill in all of the details requested below.

Throughout this form, 'participant' refers to the young person who will take part in the session.

If you are not sure what to write for any of the questions below, or have any queries, please contact:

Maximum 255 characters



Please state who is completing this form?  
(IMPORTANT: If the participant is aged 15 or younger a parent or carer will need to complete and sign this consent form, but if participants are aged 16 or older they can sign the form themselves.)

* required

Please indicate which of our three pizza and politics events you would like to attend. 
(Where possible, we encourage you to attend the event that is relevant to the area you live in.)
(Choose one option)

* required

Maximum 255 characters



I live in, or nearest to:

* required

How old will the participant be on the date of the event you would like to attend?

* required

Please indicate the participant's sex:

* required

What is your ethnic group or background?

* required