Oxfordshire travel survey - understanding how you get around Oxfordshire

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you for responding to the Local Transport and Connectivity consultation. You indicated that you would be happy to be contacted again to be involved in a follow-up engagement.

We are conducting a survey into travel behaviour in Oxfordshire. The findings from this survey will help to inform Oxfordshire Local Transport and Connectivity Plan. By sharing insights into how you travel and what shapes those choices, you will be helping to support strategy and planning for transportation across Oxfordshire. Your experiences and perspectives are invaluable for improving local transportation.

Your feedback will also guide future surveys to be conducted in 2024. We aim to design the best tools possible for capturing transportation patterns across the county.

The survey below asks about your travel habits, the way you get around to different places, and what influences your routines and transportation choices. It should take between 20-25 minutes to complete and has two main sections:

Your Regular Travel Habits (Title tbc)- In this section, we'll ask about your typical travel routines on the most recent typical week, including destinations, modes of transport, factors influencing those choices and how these habits might have changed.

About You & Your Travel Needs (Title tbc) - Here, we will ask about your individual circumstances and responsibilities like your job, lifestyle, caring for dependents etc. This will help us further understand what impacts and influences your transportation decisions.

Thank you for your participation.

If you would like to know more about Oxfordshire’s ‘Local Transport and Connectivity Plan’ please click on the links at this side of this page for further information

Local Transport and Connectivity Plan’

Local Transport and Connectivity Plan - You Said We Did

Thank you for responding to the Local Transport and Connectivity consultation. You indicated that you would be happy to be contacted again to be involved in a follow-up engagement.

We are conducting a survey into travel behaviour in Oxfordshire. The findings from this survey will help to inform Oxfordshire Local Transport and Connectivity Plan. By sharing insights into how you travel and what shapes those choices, you will be helping to support strategy and planning for transportation across Oxfordshire. Your experiences and perspectives are invaluable for improving local transportation.

Your feedback will also guide future surveys to be conducted in 2024. We aim to design the best tools possible for capturing transportation patterns across the county.

The survey below asks about your travel habits, the way you get around to different places, and what influences your routines and transportation choices. It should take between 20-25 minutes to complete and has two main sections:

Your Regular Travel Habits (Title tbc)- In this section, we'll ask about your typical travel routines on the most recent typical week, including destinations, modes of transport, factors influencing those choices and how these habits might have changed.

About You & Your Travel Needs (Title tbc) - Here, we will ask about your individual circumstances and responsibilities like your job, lifestyle, caring for dependents etc. This will help us further understand what impacts and influences your transportation decisions.

Thank you for your participation.

If you would like to know more about Oxfordshire’s ‘Local Transport and Connectivity Plan’ please click on the links at this side of this page for further information

Local Transport and Connectivity Plan’

Local Transport and Connectivity Plan - You Said We Did

  • Thank you for responding to the Local Transport and Connectivity consultation.  


    Consultation has concluded
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