Parent/carer feedback on outcomes for children and young people with SEND

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Consultation has concluded

We are writing to you to ask for your thoughts and opinions on how we measure the lived experience of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Oxfordshire.


Earlier this year we held a consultation on our Local Area SEND Strategy where parents/carers and professionals strongly agreed that it is important that we improve the outcomes for children with SEND in Oxfordshire.

One of our next steps therefore is to work with parents/carers and young people to agree what the most important outcomes are. We have worked with schools and met with children and young people with SEND to gather their views and would now like to ask for your feedback. At a later stage you will be asked on how the outcomes will be measured, recorded and reported.

The Council for Disabled Children facilitated two workshops with parent/carers and Oxfordshire leaders to identify the most important outcomes for children and young people with SEND and the following were proposed:

1. I am supported to make choices and achieve goals that are important to me

2. I am happy

3. I am as healthy as possible

4. I feel safe

5. I belong and am supported (at home and in the community)

6. I am heard and understood

7. I am hopeful and feel prepared for the future

Have your say

We are collecting feedback from a wide range of people. Your views are incredibly important and so these outcomes must be meaningful to you and your child(ren)/young person(people).

We would therefore be grateful if you could fill in our feedback form (this should take no more than 10 minutes to complete) and tell us whether we have got the proposed outcomes right.

The survey will close on Friday 13th January.

Please fill in our online survey by clicking the ‘Take survey’ button below.

We will use your views together with the feedback from the children and young people to draft a set of outcomes to help us measure the lived experience of children and young people with SEND in Oxfordshire.

SEND Strategic Outcomes framework project team

Deb Smit, SEND Strategic Development and Improvement Manager, OCC

Monika Winston, Designated Social Care Officer, OCC

Sally Cady, SENDIASS Manager/Adviser

Chris Manley, SENDIASS Adviser, Children & Young People’s Partnership Service

Adeline Gibbs, Designated Clinical Officer, Oxford Health NHS FT

We are writing to you to ask for your thoughts and opinions on how we measure the lived experience of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Oxfordshire.


Earlier this year we held a consultation on our Local Area SEND Strategy where parents/carers and professionals strongly agreed that it is important that we improve the outcomes for children with SEND in Oxfordshire.

One of our next steps therefore is to work with parents/carers and young people to agree what the most important outcomes are. We have worked with schools and met with children and young people with SEND to gather their views and would now like to ask for your feedback. At a later stage you will be asked on how the outcomes will be measured, recorded and reported.

The Council for Disabled Children facilitated two workshops with parent/carers and Oxfordshire leaders to identify the most important outcomes for children and young people with SEND and the following were proposed:

1. I am supported to make choices and achieve goals that are important to me

2. I am happy

3. I am as healthy as possible

4. I feel safe

5. I belong and am supported (at home and in the community)

6. I am heard and understood

7. I am hopeful and feel prepared for the future

Have your say

We are collecting feedback from a wide range of people. Your views are incredibly important and so these outcomes must be meaningful to you and your child(ren)/young person(people).

We would therefore be grateful if you could fill in our feedback form (this should take no more than 10 minutes to complete) and tell us whether we have got the proposed outcomes right.

The survey will close on Friday 13th January.

Please fill in our online survey by clicking the ‘Take survey’ button below.

We will use your views together with the feedback from the children and young people to draft a set of outcomes to help us measure the lived experience of children and young people with SEND in Oxfordshire.

SEND Strategic Outcomes framework project team

Deb Smit, SEND Strategic Development and Improvement Manager, OCC

Monika Winston, Designated Social Care Officer, OCC

Sally Cady, SENDIASS Manager/Adviser

Chris Manley, SENDIASS Adviser, Children & Young People’s Partnership Service

Adeline Gibbs, Designated Clinical Officer, Oxford Health NHS FT

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are writing to you to ask for your thoughts and opinions on how we measure the lived experience of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Oxfordshire.  Within this survey you will see the 7 proposed outcomes for children and young people to report on; we are seeking your views on these outcomes and how important and meaningful they are to you and your child(ren)/young person(people).  

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Your feedback on Facebook Share Your feedback on Twitter Share Your feedback on Linkedin Email Your feedback link