Network Management Plan 2023 - 2028 consultation

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Consultation has concluded


Oxfordshire County Council has updated its Network Management Plan and would like to seek your views on these draft documents. They have been developed after an extended period of stakeholder engagement and input.

Please read the documents provided and have your say by completing our survey below. We need your response by 23 December 2022.

All the feedback received will be reviewed and taken into account as we finalise the draft documents for proposed adoption by Cabinet.

Background information

Effective and competent network management is considered to be an important and integral part of managing the highway network under the Traffic Management Act 2004. The draft Network Management Plan sets out a business-like approach to the management of the network. It supports the approach adopted in the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan adopted by Oxfordshire County Council.

The draft plan sets out how network management will be undertaken. It would be helpful if you could read the document before having your say in this consultation.

You can also read a high level summary of the plan in the executive summary.

Any questions?

We will endeavour to answer queries during the course of the consultation, and will publish these, along with our answers as a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document, uploaded to this page.

Please ask your questions using the Questions tool below, or email us at:


Oxfordshire County Council has updated its Network Management Plan and would like to seek your views on these draft documents. They have been developed after an extended period of stakeholder engagement and input.

Please read the documents provided and have your say by completing our survey below. We need your response by 23 December 2022.

All the feedback received will be reviewed and taken into account as we finalise the draft documents for proposed adoption by Cabinet.

Background information

Effective and competent network management is considered to be an important and integral part of managing the highway network under the Traffic Management Act 2004. The draft Network Management Plan sets out a business-like approach to the management of the network. It supports the approach adopted in the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan adopted by Oxfordshire County Council.

The draft plan sets out how network management will be undertaken. It would be helpful if you could read the document before having your say in this consultation.

You can also read a high level summary of the plan in the executive summary.

Any questions?

We will endeavour to answer queries during the course of the consultation, and will publish these, along with our answers as a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document, uploaded to this page.

Please ask your questions using the Questions tool below, or email us at:

Consultation has concluded

If you have a question about the draft Network Management Plan or the associated documents, please submit it here.

A response to your question will be posted on this page within 5 days of submission and will form the basis of our FAQ's page which will be published on the consultation page.