Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (back up copy pre-routing)

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Consultation has concluded


We are currently working to produce a new Local Transport Plan. The local transport plan is our long-term county-wide transport strategy. We are calling ours the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP), to better reflect our strategy both for digital infrastructure and for connecting the whole county.

The LTCP will be our long term vision for transport in the county and the policies required to deliver this. It will be used to decide how we manage transport and the types of schemes we (or other transport organisations) implement. 

You can read a clear, high level summary of our key messages in the executive summary. If you are interested in further detail, you can use the contents table to navigate to the relevant section of the LTCP. 

We have also developed supporting strategies for freight, active travel and innovation. These strategies provide more detail about our proposals and how they will be delivered. We are consulting on these strategies alongside the main LTCP document. Questions about the supporting strategies will be offered following completion of the relevant section in the survey. 

You do not have to answer all the questions. We have made most questions in this questionnaire optional so that you can focus on those that are most relevant to you. By registering on Lets Talk you will also be able to come back and complete your response at a later date.

Alternative formats 

We know that some people can’t or find it difficult to take part in online consultations or need things in a different format such as large print, easy read or a different language etc to have their say.

If you, or anyone you know needs a printed copy of the questionnaire, information in an alternative format or help with sharing their thoughts please email consultations@oxfordshire.gov.uk or call the county council's Customer Services Team on 01865 792422. Please note the council's Customer Services Team are unable to answer any detailed questions about the survey.


We are currently working to produce a new Local Transport Plan. The local transport plan is our long-term county-wide transport strategy. We are calling ours the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP), to better reflect our strategy both for digital infrastructure and for connecting the whole county.

The LTCP will be our long term vision for transport in the county and the policies required to deliver this. It will be used to decide how we manage transport and the types of schemes we (or other transport organisations) implement. 

You can read a clear, high level summary of our key messages in the executive summary. If you are interested in further detail, you can use the contents table to navigate to the relevant section of the LTCP. 

We have also developed supporting strategies for freight, active travel and innovation. These strategies provide more detail about our proposals and how they will be delivered. We are consulting on these strategies alongside the main LTCP document. Questions about the supporting strategies will be offered following completion of the relevant section in the survey. 

You do not have to answer all the questions. We have made most questions in this questionnaire optional so that you can focus on those that are most relevant to you. By registering on Lets Talk you will also be able to come back and complete your response at a later date.

Alternative formats 

We know that some people can’t or find it difficult to take part in online consultations or need things in a different format such as large print, easy read or a different language etc to have their say.

If you, or anyone you know needs a printed copy of the questionnaire, information in an alternative format or help with sharing their thoughts please email consultations@oxfordshire.gov.uk or call the county council's Customer Services Team on 01865 792422. Please note the council's Customer Services Team are unable to answer any detailed questions about the survey.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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