Expansion of Kingfisher School

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Consultation has concluded

UPDATE: The expansion was approved by the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC) in April 2022. 

This consultation has now closed. The academy trust will submit a business case (including the results of the consultation) to the Regional Schools Commissioner, who will make the final decision.

The Propeller Academy Trust’s Directors and Governors, working with Oxfordshire County Council, propose to expand Kingfisher School by 16 places from September 2023. This would increase the overall capacity from 102 to 118, and would secure long-term provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the local area.

For further information, please download the consultation leaflet.

If you have any questions about the proposal, please contact Kingfisher School at Consultation@Kingfisher.oxon.sch.uk

Deadline for responses: 22 October 2021

UPDATE: The expansion was approved by the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC) in April 2022. 

This consultation has now closed. The academy trust will submit a business case (including the results of the consultation) to the Regional Schools Commissioner, who will make the final decision.

The Propeller Academy Trust’s Directors and Governors, working with Oxfordshire County Council, propose to expand Kingfisher School by 16 places from September 2023. This would increase the overall capacity from 102 to 118, and would secure long-term provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the local area.

For further information, please download the consultation leaflet.

If you have any questions about the proposal, please contact Kingfisher School at Consultation@Kingfisher.oxon.sch.uk

Deadline for responses: 22 October 2021

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Kingfisher School is a special school in Abingdon providing high quality education for children and young people, aged 2-19, who have severe, complex or profound educational needs, including autism. Pupils who attend the schools have Education, Health & Care Plans (EHCPs) with a designation of severe learning difficulty (SLD) or profound and multiple learning difficulty (PMLD). The school is an academy, managed by the Propellor Academy Trust, which is also responsible for Fitzwaryn School, a special school in Wantage. 

    The Propeller Academy Trust’s Directors and Governors, working with Oxfordshire County Council, propose to expand Kingfisher School by 16 places from September 2023. This would increase the overall capacity from 102 to 118, and would secure long-term provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the local area.

    The proposed expansion would be fully funded by Oxfordshire County Council.

    Consultation has concluded
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