Jericho cycle hangar survey

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Consultation has concluded

A picture of a cycle hangar in Jericho

Welcome to the Jericho cycle hangar survey. This survey will run from 12 noon on Tuesday 10 December 2024 to 23:59 on Wednesday 22 January 2025.

In 2023, the county council, in collaboration with Thames Valley Police, introduced secure on street cycle parking facilities in three streets (Cranham Street, Nelson Street and Great Clarendon Street) in the Jericho area of the city. Changes were made to some car parking bays and double yellow lines to accommodate 3 ‘cycle hangars’ (see details below). The cycle hangars were intended to reduce cycle theft by providing an option for residents in this area to securely park their bikes. The hangars provide secure on-street parking for 16 bicycles. Providing secure cycle parking is expected to help encourage more cycling.

What is a cycle hangar?

A cycle hangar is an accessible, secure solution to long-term cycle parking that helps protect bikes from theft (and the weather). They can store up to six bikes within the space taken up by a small car and are particularly useful in areas where homeowners are unable to securely store their bikes on their property.

How do the cycle hangars work?

Residents can apply to use a space within a cycle hangar and if successful, given a key in exchange for the payment of an annual fee. The chosen supplier of the bike hangars is Cyclehoop: (External link)

What is the purpose of this survey?

We want to find out the views of people living in the area where the hangars are located. This will include the views of the people using the hangars to park their bike. We want to gather this feedback because these hangars have not been used before in Oxford and we want to learn from how they have been working – this might lead to changes to the operation of the Jericho hangars but will also help inform whether, where and how new hangars are introduced elsewhere in Oxford if there is funding available for this.

Please fill in our online survey by clicking the ‘TAKE SURVEY’ button below.

Welcome to the Jericho cycle hangar survey. This survey will run from 12 noon on Tuesday 10 December 2024 to 23:59 on Wednesday 22 January 2025.

In 2023, the county council, in collaboration with Thames Valley Police, introduced secure on street cycle parking facilities in three streets (Cranham Street, Nelson Street and Great Clarendon Street) in the Jericho area of the city. Changes were made to some car parking bays and double yellow lines to accommodate 3 ‘cycle hangars’ (see details below). The cycle hangars were intended to reduce cycle theft by providing an option for residents in this area to securely park their bikes. The hangars provide secure on-street parking for 16 bicycles. Providing secure cycle parking is expected to help encourage more cycling.

What is a cycle hangar?

A cycle hangar is an accessible, secure solution to long-term cycle parking that helps protect bikes from theft (and the weather). They can store up to six bikes within the space taken up by a small car and are particularly useful in areas where homeowners are unable to securely store their bikes on their property.

How do the cycle hangars work?

Residents can apply to use a space within a cycle hangar and if successful, given a key in exchange for the payment of an annual fee. The chosen supplier of the bike hangars is Cyclehoop: (External link)

What is the purpose of this survey?

We want to find out the views of people living in the area where the hangars are located. This will include the views of the people using the hangars to park their bike. We want to gather this feedback because these hangars have not been used before in Oxford and we want to learn from how they have been working – this might lead to changes to the operation of the Jericho hangars but will also help inform whether, where and how new hangars are introduced elsewhere in Oxford if there is funding available for this.

Please fill in our online survey by clicking the ‘TAKE SURVEY’ button below.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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