Islip - Bridge Repairs & Traffic Signalisation

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This consultation has now concluded.

Decades of increasing traffic volumes and vehicle weights have led to deterioration of Islip Bridge. Action is needed to ensure it can continue to function safely.

Feasibility studies have been undertaken to identify the best value solution to allow the bridge to continue to carry full highway loading. The best solution is to channelise traffic loading across the stronger central portion of the bridge. This could be achieved by narrowing the road to one lane and managing the traffic flow with traffic signals. It would also create a new opportunity to improve pedestrian accessibility and deter through village traffic.

To help predict traffic and environmental changes if traffic signals were installed, a monitored 3-way traffic signals trial was carried out during summer 2022, whilst below bridge stonework repairs were carried out. Traffic data was collected pre-trial in May 2022 and during the trial during the month of July and the first two weeks of September. Air quality and noise levels were also monitored before and during the trial at key locations around the village. Following completion of the trial, two options have been developed:

  • Option 1 (Do Minimum) - key features of this option include:
    • 3 way traffic signal control over Islip Bridge and channelisation within a centralised 3m wide road.
    • A 1.2m footway is provided across the bridge along the western parapet and a 1.1m non pedestrian hardened verge is provided along the eastern parapet.
    • Mill Street will become one way.
    • Modification to car parking and junction layout at the north end of The Walk and Kings Head Lane
  • Option 2 - key features of this option are:
    • Key features as Option 1 (Do minimum) but with additional consideration for pedestrian improvements/ footway within the vicinity.

Have your say.

Please read the detailed information provided, and take the time to complete the survey as your views and opinions matter. Your response should be completed and returned by 5pm on Monday 05 June 2023. Alternatively, you can forward your feedback by email to

What happens next?

Project decision:

After an overall project assessment based on a range of factors including public feedback / design analysis/ safety audit/ budget cost review / value for money / design project delivery programme (based on option) a decision will be made about how the weak bridge will be kept safe for the future. We will keep you updated on project decision. The scheme design and procurement will then be progressed.

Potential project delivery:

As you will appreciate, the location is very restrictive and there will be a period of disruption whilst the project is safely built. Pedestrian access will be maintained but the road and bridge will need to be closed to all vehicles. There will be planning and construction team engagement during the design stages to help minimise the disruption during construction and all measures will be explored. At this early stage, a road closure period of 7-10 weeks is anticipated, with a potential construction window of late June to early Sept 2024, but this is subject to change. The community will be given plenty of notice prior to the road closure.

Decades of increasing traffic volumes and vehicle weights have led to deterioration of Islip Bridge. Action is needed to ensure it can continue to function safely.

Feasibility studies have been undertaken to identify the best value solution to allow the bridge to continue to carry full highway loading. The best solution is to channelise traffic loading across the stronger central portion of the bridge. This could be achieved by narrowing the road to one lane and managing the traffic flow with traffic signals. It would also create a new opportunity to improve pedestrian accessibility and deter through village traffic.

To help predict traffic and environmental changes if traffic signals were installed, a monitored 3-way traffic signals trial was carried out during summer 2022, whilst below bridge stonework repairs were carried out. Traffic data was collected pre-trial in May 2022 and during the trial during the month of July and the first two weeks of September. Air quality and noise levels were also monitored before and during the trial at key locations around the village. Following completion of the trial, two options have been developed:

  • Option 1 (Do Minimum) - key features of this option include:
    • 3 way traffic signal control over Islip Bridge and channelisation within a centralised 3m wide road.
    • A 1.2m footway is provided across the bridge along the western parapet and a 1.1m non pedestrian hardened verge is provided along the eastern parapet.
    • Mill Street will become one way.
    • Modification to car parking and junction layout at the north end of The Walk and Kings Head Lane
  • Option 2 - key features of this option are:
    • Key features as Option 1 (Do minimum) but with additional consideration for pedestrian improvements/ footway within the vicinity.

Have your say.

Please read the detailed information provided, and take the time to complete the survey as your views and opinions matter. Your response should be completed and returned by 5pm on Monday 05 June 2023. Alternatively, you can forward your feedback by email to

What happens next?

Project decision:

After an overall project assessment based on a range of factors including public feedback / design analysis/ safety audit/ budget cost review / value for money / design project delivery programme (based on option) a decision will be made about how the weak bridge will be kept safe for the future. We will keep you updated on project decision. The scheme design and procurement will then be progressed.

Potential project delivery:

As you will appreciate, the location is very restrictive and there will be a period of disruption whilst the project is safely built. Pedestrian access will be maintained but the road and bridge will need to be closed to all vehicles. There will be planning and construction team engagement during the design stages to help minimise the disruption during construction and all measures will be explored. At this early stage, a road closure period of 7-10 weeks is anticipated, with a potential construction window of late June to early Sept 2024, but this is subject to change. The community will be given plenty of notice prior to the road closure.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This consultation has now concluded.

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