Future Generations primary schools event

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Dear Teacher,

We are really pleased your primary school is interested in taking part in one of our children's Future Generations events.

This will be a great opportunity for students to

  • learn how local politics works
  • understand what the council’s role is, and
  • share what they think about their life in Oxfordshire and how it could be better

They will also meet and chat to senior decision makers from Oxfordshire County Council, whilst meeting new peers and and having citizenship conversations!

This free opportunity will include lunch for pupils and accompanying staff. The engagement and consultation team at Oxfordshire County Council (who are DBS checked) will be hosting this interactive 'conference style' event in Oxfordshire's decision making heart - the Council Chamber.

This event, on 15 November 2024, is open to primary schools in Oxfordshire. Arrival is from 10:00am to start at 10:30am and will finish at 2pm promptly.

Schools can bring up to 10 pupils from years 5 and 6. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. A waiting list will be created in case of cancellations. With that in mind, if you find you cannot attend, please let us know straight away so we can release the spaces to other schools. Final numbers, participant names and dietary requirements and will be needed by noon on Monday 11 November.

By completing this quick online form, you are registering your interest to attend and reserve spaces for your school which, will give us an indication of numbers. Please register your interest on the registration form by 22 October 2024. We will confirm your spaces by 24 October.

If you have any questions please email consultations@oxfordshire.gov.uk

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Dear Teacher,

We are really pleased your primary school is interested in taking part in one of our children's Future Generations events.

This will be a great opportunity for students to

  • learn how local politics works
  • understand what the council’s role is, and
  • share what they think about their life in Oxfordshire and how it could be better

They will also meet and chat to senior decision makers from Oxfordshire County Council, whilst meeting new peers and and having citizenship conversations!

This free opportunity will include lunch for pupils and accompanying staff. The engagement and consultation team at Oxfordshire County Council (who are DBS checked) will be hosting this interactive 'conference style' event in Oxfordshire's decision making heart - the Council Chamber.

This event, on 15 November 2024, is open to primary schools in Oxfordshire. Arrival is from 10:00am to start at 10:30am and will finish at 2pm promptly.

Schools can bring up to 10 pupils from years 5 and 6. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. A waiting list will be created in case of cancellations. With that in mind, if you find you cannot attend, please let us know straight away so we can release the spaces to other schools. Final numbers, participant names and dietary requirements and will be needed by noon on Monday 11 November.

By completing this quick online form, you are registering your interest to attend and reserve spaces for your school which, will give us an indication of numbers. Please register your interest on the registration form by 22 October 2024. We will confirm your spaces by 24 October.

If you have any questions please email consultations@oxfordshire.gov.uk

We look forward to meeting you soon.

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Page last updated: 25 Oct 2024, 01:19 PM