Fostering survey

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Consultation has concluded

Dear Foster Carers

We would like to invite you to complete the following survey which will give us an idea of how you are feeling and provide the opportunity for you suggest improvements in respect of your fostering.

This will help us to think about the changes that we could make, not all might be actionable, but it will give us ambitions to aim for.

With thanks

Julie McNally, Fostering Service Manager

Please fill in our online survey by clicking the ‘TAKE SURVEY’ button below.

Dear Foster Carers

We would like to invite you to complete the following survey which will give us an idea of how you are feeling and provide the opportunity for you suggest improvements in respect of your fostering.

This will help us to think about the changes that we could make, not all might be actionable, but it will give us ambitions to aim for.

With thanks

Julie McNally, Fostering Service Manager

Please fill in our online survey by clicking the ‘TAKE SURVEY’ button below.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We appreciate you taking the time to complete the following questions, there are only a few but they are really important ones.

    Please note that the survey is completely anonymous, if there is anything you would like to say that requires a direct response you will need to email and say it is in connection to this survey.


    Consultation has concluded
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