Electoral review: Member survey

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Consultation has concluded

Council Size: Request for information

Dear Councillor

As you will be aware, the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) is currently undertaking a review into this authority’s electoral arrangements. The first stage of the process is for the Council to decide how many Councillors the authority needs going forwards.

In deciding how many Councillors the authority needs, we need some information from you. This will be used as evidence to support our submission. To emphasise, this is not a monitoring exercise to “check-up” on Councillors – we need this information to help us understand and present the pressures and demands on you from the Division and the communities that you represent. This information is essential to provide the foundation for our submission to the LGBCE. Your individual response will not be presented in the report, and only aggregate and summary information will be presented.

Please complete the form below, including as much detail as you are able to. We realise this is not easy, so please give your best estimate. If some aspect of your work does not fit neatly into any of the boxes, use the space at the end to tell us about it. We recognise that there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ week or month, as your work varies considerably, but please give an estimate so we can understand your overall workloads.

In each section, please include an estimate of the total time required. This will include, for many of you, the time taken to travel to meeting as this all contributes to your overall workload.

Important: Please do not include your name or identifiable information in your responses. All responses will be treated anonymously, and only aggregated statistics will be shared.

Please completed by 9 pm on 5 Jan 2023

Council Size: Request for information

Dear Councillor

As you will be aware, the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) is currently undertaking a review into this authority’s electoral arrangements. The first stage of the process is for the Council to decide how many Councillors the authority needs going forwards.

In deciding how many Councillors the authority needs, we need some information from you. This will be used as evidence to support our submission. To emphasise, this is not a monitoring exercise to “check-up” on Councillors – we need this information to help us understand and present the pressures and demands on you from the Division and the communities that you represent. This information is essential to provide the foundation for our submission to the LGBCE. Your individual response will not be presented in the report, and only aggregate and summary information will be presented.

Please complete the form below, including as much detail as you are able to. We realise this is not easy, so please give your best estimate. If some aspect of your work does not fit neatly into any of the boxes, use the space at the end to tell us about it. We recognise that there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ week or month, as your work varies considerably, but please give an estimate so we can understand your overall workloads.

In each section, please include an estimate of the total time required. This will include, for many of you, the time taken to travel to meeting as this all contributes to your overall workload.

Important: Please do not include your name or identifiable information in your responses. All responses will be treated anonymously, and only aggregated statistics will be shared.

Please completed by 9 pm on 5 Jan 2023

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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