Banbury - parking restrictions informal consultation

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This consultation has now concluded.

In November 2021, the County Council took over parking enforcement from the police, which meant that all parking contraventions became a civil offence, dealt with by the issue of penalty charge notices (PCNs). The change to enforcement, has opened up opportunities for new restrictions and controlled parking zones (CPZ) to be introduced which give local people/ organisations priority for on street parking, making it more likely local people, their visitors and customers can find a space quickly and easily.

Its been agreed with local members to focus on three areas in Banbury, for reviewing the existing parking conditions with a view to implementing new CPZs where there is support. First step will be informal consultations to gather local/public input and feedback.

Therefore, we are now writing to residents to ask for their views about parking in these areas, and whether a change to the restrictions would better suit the local community. Options could include the introduction of residents parking, changes to the hours of operation of the current restrictions, or retention of the current arrangements. The three areas being looked at initially include:

  • Banbury Centre South,
  • Coopers Gate, and
  • Hightown Road area.

To better understand local opinions on parking in the area, we have created a short survey which is your opportunity to give us your views before any decisions are made about bringing forward more formal proposals for further consultation.

A list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their answers can be found here.

Have your say.

Please read the detailed information provided on this consultation and take the time to complete the survey as your views and opinions matter. Your response should be completed and returned by 5pm on Friday 06 September 2024.

Whilst we will endeavor to answer simple queries during the course of the consultation, any more complex questions/issues will be appraised and dealt with as part of informal consultation process.

In November 2021, the County Council took over parking enforcement from the police, which meant that all parking contraventions became a civil offence, dealt with by the issue of penalty charge notices (PCNs). The change to enforcement, has opened up opportunities for new restrictions and controlled parking zones (CPZ) to be introduced which give local people/ organisations priority for on street parking, making it more likely local people, their visitors and customers can find a space quickly and easily.

Its been agreed with local members to focus on three areas in Banbury, for reviewing the existing parking conditions with a view to implementing new CPZs where there is support. First step will be informal consultations to gather local/public input and feedback.

Therefore, we are now writing to residents to ask for their views about parking in these areas, and whether a change to the restrictions would better suit the local community. Options could include the introduction of residents parking, changes to the hours of operation of the current restrictions, or retention of the current arrangements. The three areas being looked at initially include:

  • Banbury Centre South,
  • Coopers Gate, and
  • Hightown Road area.

To better understand local opinions on parking in the area, we have created a short survey which is your opportunity to give us your views before any decisions are made about bringing forward more formal proposals for further consultation.

A list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their answers can be found here.

Have your say.

Please read the detailed information provided on this consultation and take the time to complete the survey as your views and opinions matter. Your response should be completed and returned by 5pm on Friday 06 September 2024.

Whilst we will endeavor to answer simple queries during the course of the consultation, any more complex questions/issues will be appraised and dealt with as part of informal consultation process.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This consultation has now concluded.

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