Banbury Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)
Consultation has concluded
In 2022 and 2023 we invited suggestions for, and then feedback on, a draft LCWIP for Banbury which would outline proposals for improvements to cycling and walking infrastructure in the town to encourage more people to take up ‘active travel’ in preference to travelling by car.
You said
More than 100 responses were received, either online or in writing. Around a third of respondents said they would be encouraged to walk and cycle more often if the improvements proposed in the LCWIP were implemented.
The potential negative effect on bus services was a concern for many, and as a result bus routes were added to each LCWIP proposal. Bus routes will be a primary consideration in the further development of each proposal.
Pedestrianisation and one-way streets in the town centre also attracted some concerns, and these proposals have now been reconsidered, so that the effect of other measures can be more clearly assessed in the first instance.
A number of landowners expressed surprise that they had not been consulted before village routes were published. Many routes are now shown as indicative with no set route.
We did
The LCWIP was largely re-drafted as a result of the feedback received to the first version.
Routes were revised, bus routes added and village routes redrawn to reflect the need for further consultation.
The Plan was formally approved by the Cabinet Member for Highway Management in July 2023.
Prioritisation of routes will now be undertaken, involving local councillors, interest groups and, where appropriate, landowners so that the improvements suggested in the Plan can be further developed, fully costed and assessed before funding applications can be submitted and works begun.
Each scheme will be subject to further public consultation.
More information from the initial consultation can be found here.