Banbury town bus services survey

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Consultation has concluded

The B3, B4, B5 and B9 Banbury town bus services are operated under contract to Oxfordshire County Council, funded by S106 developer contributions, and the contracts are due to expire at the end of March 2024.

From 19 June until 17 July 2023 we asked local residents what they thought about these routes to find out how they could better serve the town and how to make the routes more attractive to more people. 397 people responded to our survey, you can read more about what they said, and our responses, in the consultation report.

You said:

  • 92% of of people who responded live in Banbury.
  • The B9 service is used most (42%), and the B4 service is used least (19%).
  • 28% of you use the bus five or more days a week, and 77% use the bus once a week or more.
  • Most people travel during off-peak times on weekday and on Saturdays.
  • You would like direct bus services to Banbury railway station and Horton Hospital.

We did:

  • We have used your feedback to help shape the new contracts with the prospective providers of the B3, B4, B5 and B9 Banbury town bus services.
  • There will be a new bus service to the Chalker Way area, subject to affordability.

More information about the initial consultation can be found here

The B3, B4, B5 and B9 Banbury town bus services are operated under contract to Oxfordshire County Council, funded by S106 developer contributions, and the contracts are due to expire at the end of March 2024.

From 19 June until 17 July 2023 we asked local residents what they thought about these routes to find out how they could better serve the town and how to make the routes more attractive to more people. 397 people responded to our survey, you can read more about what they said, and our responses, in the consultation report.

You said:

  • 92% of of people who responded live in Banbury.
  • The B9 service is used most (42%), and the B4 service is used least (19%).
  • 28% of you use the bus five or more days a week, and 77% use the bus once a week or more.
  • Most people travel during off-peak times on weekday and on Saturdays.
  • You would like direct bus services to Banbury railway station and Horton Hospital.

We did:

  • We have used your feedback to help shape the new contracts with the prospective providers of the B3, B4, B5 and B9 Banbury town bus services.
  • There will be a new bus service to the Chalker Way area, subject to affordability.

More information about the initial consultation can be found here