Active Travel Social Prescribing Pilot: mapping exercise
Consultation has concluded
This is a collaboration page to support the Active Travel Social Prescribing pilot.
In the Steering Group meeting on 16 February 2022, we agreed we would circulate a map of the 2 focus areas for the project (Barton and the Leys, both in East Oxford) to get input from the group on what are good walking and cycling routes, potential infrastructure problems that may need to be solved, etc.
You can add your comments using the interactive map below.
If you prefer to do it on paper, you can also download and print the maps (or email to get them via email / get a print copy delivered):
- Barton area: (A4 - low resolution, 174 KB, pdf) or (A3 - high resolution, 1.02 MB, pdf)
- Leys area: (A4 - low resolution, 432 KB, pdf) or (A3 - high resolution, 3.19 MB, pdf)
Let us know if you have any questions!
Feedback on walking/cycling infrastructure in Barton and the Leys
You can use the pins to highlight the locations, or routes, that have either a good provision (or are well-used) and those that are problematic or need improvements.
The lines in dark blue are the main walking and cycling routes as identified in the Oxford Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), which might provide a good starting point for the project.
The two areas shaded in light blue are the focus of the project, and where we would like to get inputs from the group.