Please indicate which service has been working with you?
I understand why the service has been working with me.
Please tell us about the most helpful part of your plan?
What have you learned about yourself from your time with us?
If you said other, please tell us what you learnt.
Do you feel that we have understood and respected your identity?
(Identity could be gender, culture, disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or something else).
What could we be doing better?
Have you been told about other services that could help?
What have we done well?
Who would you go to now (if you needed help)?
What advice would you give a friend in your situation?
Do you know where to go if you want to complain?
If you have made a complaint, please tell us what your complaint was about:
Sometimes young people speak with professionals to help us improve how we work with young people. Would you be interested in speaking to us?