Please indicate which service has been working with you and your child?
I have always known which worker has been supporting me and/or my child.
If this has been an issue, please tell us more.
Do you feel that we have understood and respected your identity?
(Identity could be: gender, culture, disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or something else).
Do you feel that we understood and respected your child's identity?
Have there been improvements in any of the following areas?
If relevant:
If we didn't, please tell us more.
Please expand on what it was that has made the difference.
Please tell us what we have done well.
Please tell us what we could do differently.
Have you known where to go if you wanted to complain?
If you have made a complaint, please tell us what your complaint was about:
As a service, what do you think it would be helpful for us to know?
Have you been told about other services that could help?
What advice would you give a friend in your situation?
Sometimes parents/ carers speak with professionals to help us improve how we work with young people and families. Would you be interested in speaking to us?