Young carers - give us your views
Consultation has concluded

Young carers voices wanted!
Your voice
Oxfordshire County Council knows that there are lots of children and young people who help to look after another person day to day. A young carer is usually someone under the age of 18 who looks after a family member or friend who has a physical or mental health condition, or misuses drugs or alcohol. They may also look after brothers, sisters or elderly relatives too. They are young carers, and they play a vital role. We want to know what support they get. So, if you are a young carer aged between 8-20 years old, we would like to hear from you.
Have your say
We’d like to hear about your experiences and the support you get, it will help inform what happens in the future for young and adult carers. Please fill in the online survey by clicking the ‘TAKE SURVEY’ button below. The draw will close on 20 February which is the date the survey closes too.
UPDATE: the survey and draw will stay open to allow for more young carers to give their views. The new closing date Sunday 26 March at 11:59pm.
If you need help with the survey you can contact Roz from the Engagement and Consultation Team on 07761 279533 or email
You can enter the prize draw as thank you for taking part in this questionnaire. There are five £20 Amazon gift vouchers to be won. We will need your name and contact details for this. Don’t worry, we will not connect your name to your answers; our questionnaire is anonymous*. The draw will close on 20 February and winners will be contacted by 2 March. You can find the Terms and Conditions for the Prize draw for the survey here.
About the questionnaire
There are a lot of questions, please try and do as much as you can. Take your time and be honest when filling out the questionnaire. The word ‘professionals’ in the questionnaire means adults who are paid to help you and your family. This could be a social worker, teacher, youth worker, doctor etc.
If you are interested in sharing more of your views and experiences of being a young carer just contact Roz via email or phone - she would love to hear from you!
Additional information
What we will do with the information
Your experiences and opinions will be heard by those who are making changes to the Carers Strategy. The strategy is a document that says what support and services carers of all ages should get by the professionals that are there to help. We want to know your thoughts, so that we understand what is helpful and what might be missing when caring for a family member. The results (along with adult carers and professionals’ opinions) will be taken into account when writing the new strategy.
Please remember, if you share information which informs us that you or other people are being harmed or not safe, we will need to let others know. This is to keep everyone safe.
If you wish to make a complaint, contact the team and they will explain how to do it.
Carers Strategy
You don't need to read it, but If you would like to here is the Carers Strategy 2017-202
Thank you for taking part.