Variations in young people’s supported accommodation

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Consultation has concluded

Oxfordshire County Council has contracts in place with six providers delivering a range of supported accommodation across Oxfordshire for vulnerable young people aged 16 to 24 years old who are Care Leavers, as well as vulnerable young people who are not Care Leavers but assessed as requiring YPSA services due to complexity of needs/family breakdown which has led to homelessness or risk of homelessness.

These contracts expire on the 30th September 2025, there are 2-year options to extend which we intend on honouring with some variations.

YPSA Service Packages:

Accommodation type

Number of beds

18+ Shared – up to 6 young people sharing in dispersed houses aged 18-24)


18+ Self-contained – for young people aged 18-24 where it is not safe to live with others


Parents – for one or both parents aged 16-24 with their child(ren)


Out of county – for young people aged 16-24 at risk of exploitation


Any variations made will come into effect from 1st October 2025:

  1. Reduce the upper age from 24 years old to 21 years old (21st birthday).
  2. Decrease the number of beds in the 18+ YPSA by approximately 25-30% to reflect the reduction in age range the services will support.

We would like to hear your views about these proposed changes by completing the short survey below.

What happens next: all responses to the survey will be collated and analysed to inform decisions on the proposed variations.

Oxfordshire County Council has contracts in place with six providers delivering a range of supported accommodation across Oxfordshire for vulnerable young people aged 16 to 24 years old who are Care Leavers, as well as vulnerable young people who are not Care Leavers but assessed as requiring YPSA services due to complexity of needs/family breakdown which has led to homelessness or risk of homelessness.

These contracts expire on the 30th September 2025, there are 2-year options to extend which we intend on honouring with some variations.

YPSA Service Packages:

Accommodation type

Number of beds

18+ Shared – up to 6 young people sharing in dispersed houses aged 18-24)


18+ Self-contained – for young people aged 18-24 where it is not safe to live with others


Parents – for one or both parents aged 16-24 with their child(ren)


Out of county – for young people aged 16-24 at risk of exploitation


Any variations made will come into effect from 1st October 2025:

  1. Reduce the upper age from 24 years old to 21 years old (21st birthday).
  2. Decrease the number of beds in the 18+ YPSA by approximately 25-30% to reflect the reduction in age range the services will support.

We would like to hear your views about these proposed changes by completing the short survey below.

What happens next: all responses to the survey will be collated and analysed to inform decisions on the proposed variations.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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