Expansion of Wallingford School

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Consultation has concluded

UPDATE: The expansion of Wallingford School has now been approved by the Regional Schools Commissioner.

Wallingford School is a secondary school serving the Wallingford area in the South Oxfordshire District. Prior to 2020 the school had a Planned Admission Number (PAN) of 190 (i.e. the school admitted up to 190 children each year into its Year 7 classes) and it has a total capacity of 1211. Following a consultation in 2017, for the 2020 and 2021 intakes the school has increased its admission number to 216. To accommodate the additional demand from population growth within its catchment area the school now wishes to expand permanently to support an annual admission number of 242 from September 2022 onwards.

Once all year groups are operating at the new size, the school’s total capacity would be 1,210 pupils across Key Stages 3 and 4, plus the sixth form, which would be expected to grow to approximately 340 students. The total capacity of the school would therefore be approximately 1,550 pupils.

The school would require additional accommodation, and is planning for a new 2-storey classroom block. Planning permission for this was granted by South Oxfordshire District Council in January 2020, full details of the proposed building including plans and elevations are available on the South Oxfordshire District Council website (planning ref: P19/S0191/FUL).

Following this consultation, the academy trust will submit a business case (including the results of the consultation) to the Regional Schools Commissioner, who would make the final decision.

UPDATE: The expansion of Wallingford School has now been approved by the Regional Schools Commissioner.

Wallingford School is a secondary school serving the Wallingford area in the South Oxfordshire District. Prior to 2020 the school had a Planned Admission Number (PAN) of 190 (i.e. the school admitted up to 190 children each year into its Year 7 classes) and it has a total capacity of 1211. Following a consultation in 2017, for the 2020 and 2021 intakes the school has increased its admission number to 216. To accommodate the additional demand from population growth within its catchment area the school now wishes to expand permanently to support an annual admission number of 242 from September 2022 onwards.

Once all year groups are operating at the new size, the school’s total capacity would be 1,210 pupils across Key Stages 3 and 4, plus the sixth form, which would be expected to grow to approximately 340 students. The total capacity of the school would therefore be approximately 1,550 pupils.

The school would require additional accommodation, and is planning for a new 2-storey classroom block. Planning permission for this was granted by South Oxfordshire District Council in January 2020, full details of the proposed building including plans and elevations are available on the South Oxfordshire District Council website (planning ref: P19/S0191/FUL).

Following this consultation, the academy trust will submit a business case (including the results of the consultation) to the Regional Schools Commissioner, who would make the final decision.