Wallingford Area Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)
Welcome to the engagement page for the Wallingford Area Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).
We want to make walking, wheeling and cycling easier and more enjoyable for all in the Wallingford area. This LCWIP seeks to put in place a plan to help achieve this so that as funding becomes available, we know what infrastructure is needed to provide the Wallingford Area with an inclusive and more accessible active travel network.
What is an LCWIP?
LCWIPs were introduced by the Department for Transport (DfT) in 2017, alongside their Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, as a framework with which local authorities can “develop strategic plans to improve conditions for cycling and walking, in order to support increases in travel on foot and bicycle”, by:
- Understanding existing and future travel patterns, and the barriers and enablers to increasing cycling and walking
- Identifying and mapping a recommended cycling network and core walking zones that will become the primary focus for infrastructure improvements
- Creating a prioritised pipeline of enhancements to ensure infrastructure effectively supports growth in cycling and walking, and contributes towards meeting broader local goals’ (DfT, 2017)
You can read more information about Oxfordshire County Council's approach to LCWIPs.
What areas are included in the Wallingford Area LCWIP?
- Wallingford
- Cholsey
- Crowmarsh Gifford
- Benson
- Ewelme
- Brightwell Cum Sotwell
- Shillingford
- Warborough
The settlements above make up the current indicative study area for the Wallingford Area LCWIP and are subject to change.
The map shows two marked areas. The area within the red boundary is the extent of our area of focus. The area within the blue line is an indicative study area we would like to include as part of the Wallingford Area LCWIP. This is only provided as a guide and may change as the LCWIP develops and further investigation is undertaken.
How to participate
In order to make the Wallingford Area LCWIP the best we possibly can, we are seeking your views on where to make improvements. Let us know your thoughts and highlight the issues or improvements you would like to see addressed as part of the LCWIP.
Using the online map found on this page, you are able to drop pins at any location in the local area and write comments.
Next steps
This exercise will close for comments on 24 March 2025. We will analyse all of the responses received and update this page with a summary of the feedback.
The feedback will be used to help us develop proposals for further public engagement at a later date.
Wallingford Area map
Welcome to the engagement page for the Wallingford local cycling and walking infrastructure plan. We would like your thoughts and suggestion on where there are issues or concerns for cycling and walking facilities in Wallingford and the surrounding area. We would also like your suggestions on where we can make improvements.
You can add your comments to this interactive map.
What elements are important to you? Are there safety concerns along any of the routes? Is the route broken or damaged in any way or is something missing? What would you like to see more of?
Please add your comments or suggestions by dragging and dropping pins onto this interactive map.
The pins cover the following three categories:
- Infrastructure is damaged
- Infrastructure is needed or missing
- Infrastructure needs improving
- Safety concern
- Other issue (please use this pin for your suggestions or to highlight things like limitations, points of congestion or difficulty, wayfinding or signage requirements, rest stop placements etc)
To use the map, please follow these simple instructions:
- Locate the relevant location on the map. This can be done by zooming in and dragging the screen or by searching for a postcode or location using the magnifying tool in the top right hand corner of the map.
- Click the + icon on the left of the screen to reveal a list of pins. There are three pins for different topics/categories.
- Choose which pin you want to use
- Drag and drop your chosen pin onto your relevant location within the map. Please note the pins will only work for locations within the project boundary, which is marked in red. You cannot add pins outside the red line. If you are using a mobile device you will need to 'set this location' in the top right hand corner
- A box will pop up which allows you to add your comments and/or suggestions, provide further details or upload a photo.
- Repeat if you wish to add more pins.
All the information you provide via this map will be visible to other users and therefore we encourage you not to reveal any personal information about yourself or others.
To use this map, you will need to provide an email and screen name or to register on Let's Talk Oxfordshire. Please note that your screen name will be publicly visible on the map.
If you have previously registered on Let's Talk Oxfordshire and wish to change your screen name, you can do this by selecting the person icon in the top right of your screen, then selecting 'edit profile'.