Traffic filters briefing for Oxford city centre businesses

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Consultation has concluded

Join us for a special briefing on Oxford traffic filters.

This is an opportunity to hear about the traffic filters trial, which is due to start in November when Botley Road re-opens. You will get a good understanding of how the filters will work, the permits available, and planned public communications. There will be plenty of time for your questions.

Join us by this link on Teams, on Wednesday 5 June at 3.30pm

You don't need to sign up to join the meeting, but if you do, we will send you a reminder of the event link a day before the event.

You will also be able to post us questions in advance and join a mailing list to receive regular updates, including when the public consultation begins.

Join us for a special briefing on Oxford traffic filters.

This is an opportunity to hear about the traffic filters trial, which is due to start in November when Botley Road re-opens. You will get a good understanding of how the filters will work, the permits available, and planned public communications. There will be plenty of time for your questions.

Join us by this link on Teams, on Wednesday 5 June at 3.30pm

You don't need to sign up to join the meeting, but if you do, we will send you a reminder of the event link a day before the event.

You will also be able to post us questions in advance and join a mailing list to receive regular updates, including when the public consultation begins.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete this form to sign up and send us any questions you might have in advance.

    Consultation has concluded
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