Q1. Why are you asking for my email address and postcode?

    We are asking for this information in order to analyse the views of different groups of people in different areas, as well to help us identify any duplicate responses as detailed at Q5 below. Analysis of any groups of respondents will only be conducted among groups of which 50 or more people have responded. It is vital that analysis can be undertaken to ensure the views of different groups of people can be understood and reported on. This information will only be used to analyse responses to this survey, it will not be used for any other purpose. All data collected will be in strict accordance with GDPR.

    Q2. Why are you asking for demographic information, such as my age?

    We are asking for this information in order to analyse the views of different groups of people from different backgrounds. Analysis of any groups of respondents will only be conducted among groups of which 50 or more people have responded. It is vital that analysis can be undertaken to ensure the views of different groups of people can be understood and reported on. This information will only be used to analyse responses to this survey, it will not be used for any other purpose. All data collected will be in strict accordance with GDPR.

    Q3. Do I have to complete the survey all at once?

    No – the survey will allow you to save your progress and continue at a later date. In order to do this, you will need scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the option to ‘Save and Continue Later’. You will then be asked to enter your name and email address. You will then receive an email with a link to the survey with your progress so far. 

    Please note that even if you have entered your email address earlier in the survey, if you select ‘Save and Continue Later’ you need to enter your email address when requested.

    Q4. Can I only respond to the survey online?

    If you can respond to the survey online, you should do so. However, paper copies of the survey are available on request by emailing stadium@oxfordshire.gov.uk or at one of the drop-in public exhibitions.

    Q5. How will you identify any duplicate responses from individuals or groups?

    The survey asks several ‘identifier’ questions, such as your postcode and email and will record the IP address of submissions. These questions will be mandatory for a response to the survey to be considered. In our experience having these identifier questions helps vastly reduce the likelihood of high levels of duplicate responses being received.

    We will also be asking demographic questions. This, together with analysis of email addresses and postcodes, will add to our ability to identify any duplicate responses. 

    Q6. How will you analyse open comments left in the survey?

    All the open-ended questions in the survey will be read and coded into themes to allow the responses to be quantified. This encompasses reading every response to these questions and creating a ‘code frame’ - which is a list of common answers for each question. Every comment received will be independently reviewed and reported on.

    Q7. Will the results of the survey be weighted to favour specific groups?

    No; we will not apply any weighting to the responses we collect through this survey. 

    However, we will be analysing the views of different groups where 50 or more people have responded. It is vital that analysis can be undertaken to ensure the views of different groups of people can be understood and reported on according to characteristics they share, such as geographic location.

    It is important that the information we receive from the survey can be accurately presented to the council’s cabinet as decision-makers. This will allow them to understand who has responded and whether there are trends or patterns in the views of certain groups.  

    However, this is an open survey, not a representative one and not a poll. The insight provided from our public engagement activity will be one of a number of inputs to the cabinet decision.

    Q8. Can people outside of Oxfordshire respond to the survey?

    Yes – people living outside of Oxfordshire can respond to the survey. Because we are asking for postcodes we will be able to analyse the views of people based on where they live.

    Q9. Is the county council sharing its own views about the club’s response as part of the public engagement?

    No. The council is not providing its own views as part of the public engagement. At this stage we are keen to hear the views of the public about the club’s response.

    Q10. How will I find out if updated information is released by the club during the public engagement?

    If the club provides updated information to its response during the public engagement, then this information will be made available on this website (www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/thetriangle) with clear signposting.

    Q11. What happens if I’ve responded to the survey but then want to update my response as a result of further information being released by the club?

    If you have already submitted your response but want to update it, you will need to submit a new response. You should use the same email address and postcode as your original response and only answer those questions where your response has changed. We will then be able to update your submission with your latest views.

    Q12. Has the club included information about its licence agreement at the Kassam Stadium as part of its response?

    The club has published a statement about its licence agreement at the Kassam Stadium on its website 

    The club has sent the council detailed information about its licence agreement at the Kassam Stadium, which supports the statement provided by the club. These documents have been disclosed on a commercially sensitive basis and so cannot be published. 

    Q13. What communications are you using to promote this engagement?

    The council is promoting the survey through various digital platforms, including our website and social media channels. Leaflets are being distributed to properties within a 2-mile radius of the Triangle. Posters are being displayed in a range of public venues within this radius and in all public libraries across Oxfordshire.

    Starting in late June, the council will be running drop-in public exhibitions in local community venues. 

    Q14. Why are you asking if I support Oxford United?

    It is standard practice for people to be asked to identify themselves as part of any specific groups when engagement exercises are taking place – whether conducted by local government or others. This is to ensure the views of different groups of people can be understood and reported on according to characteristics they share, such as geographic location or whether they are a fan of the club. We are not applying any weighting to the responses we receive to the survey. However, it is important the information we receive from the survey can be accurately presented to the council’s cabinet as decision-makers so they can see whether there are trends or patterns in the views of certain groups. This information will only be used to analyse responses to this survey, it will not be used for any other purpose. All data collected will be in strict accordance with GDPR.