Expansion of Bartholomew School

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Consultation has concluded

Outcome: This consultation closed on 21st December 2020. After consideration of consultation responses, the academy trust has submitted an application to the Regional Schools Commissioner and a decision is currently pending.

The adopted West Oxfordshire Local Plan includes allocations for over 3,000 new homes in the Eynsham area, including a new 2,200-home “Garden Village” on the edge of Eynsham, for which a planning application has been submitted. In addition, there are planning permissions or Local Plan allocations for around 800 further new homes within the wider designated area for Bartholomew School.

The county council has calculated that the combined impact of this housing growth will be approximately 700-800 additional secondary and sixth form pupils living within Bartholomew’s catchment area (the exact number will depend on the precise mix and delivery speed of the housing developments.)

Additional secondary school capacity will be needed to meet this local population growth. Some of the necessary capacity has already been provided by expanding Bartholomew School from 6 forms of entry to 7 forms of entry through a capital project which was part funded by financial contributions made by local housing developers and part from a government grant secured by the county council. To meet the rest of the expected population growth, the school would need to expand by another 600 places.

In addition, the Garden Village is expected to result in over 600 additional primary pupils and over 120 additional nursery pupils living within the development. This is broadly equivalent to a 3-form entry primary school.

What is being proposed?

The Eynsham Partnership Academy, supported by Oxfordshire County Council, now proposes the following changes to meet the needs of local population growth:

  • Expand Bartholomew School from 1,300 secondary school places to 1,900 secondary school places;
  • Achieve this by establishing a “satellite school” within the Garden Village development, which will accommodate Years 11-13;
  • Extend the age range of Bartholomew school from 11-19 to 2-19, to include 3 forms of entry in primary provision, totalling up to 630 primary pupils and 120 nursery pupils.

As Bartholomew School is an academy, the Regional Schools Commissioner is the decision-maker for any changes to the school.

The Eynsham Partnership Academy is seeking your views on this proposal, to help it develop a business case to submit to the Regional Schools Commissioner.

Further information is provided in the attached leaflet.

Outcome: This consultation closed on 21st December 2020. After consideration of consultation responses, the academy trust has submitted an application to the Regional Schools Commissioner and a decision is currently pending.

The adopted West Oxfordshire Local Plan includes allocations for over 3,000 new homes in the Eynsham area, including a new 2,200-home “Garden Village” on the edge of Eynsham, for which a planning application has been submitted. In addition, there are planning permissions or Local Plan allocations for around 800 further new homes within the wider designated area for Bartholomew School.

The county council has calculated that the combined impact of this housing growth will be approximately 700-800 additional secondary and sixth form pupils living within Bartholomew’s catchment area (the exact number will depend on the precise mix and delivery speed of the housing developments.)

Additional secondary school capacity will be needed to meet this local population growth. Some of the necessary capacity has already been provided by expanding Bartholomew School from 6 forms of entry to 7 forms of entry through a capital project which was part funded by financial contributions made by local housing developers and part from a government grant secured by the county council. To meet the rest of the expected population growth, the school would need to expand by another 600 places.

In addition, the Garden Village is expected to result in over 600 additional primary pupils and over 120 additional nursery pupils living within the development. This is broadly equivalent to a 3-form entry primary school.

What is being proposed?

The Eynsham Partnership Academy, supported by Oxfordshire County Council, now proposes the following changes to meet the needs of local population growth:

  • Expand Bartholomew School from 1,300 secondary school places to 1,900 secondary school places;
  • Achieve this by establishing a “satellite school” within the Garden Village development, which will accommodate Years 11-13;
  • Extend the age range of Bartholomew school from 11-19 to 2-19, to include 3 forms of entry in primary provision, totalling up to 630 primary pupils and 120 nursery pupils.

As Bartholomew School is an academy, the Regional Schools Commissioner is the decision-maker for any changes to the school.

The Eynsham Partnership Academy is seeking your views on this proposal, to help it develop a business case to submit to the Regional Schools Commissioner.

Further information is provided in the attached leaflet.