SEND mediation and resolution service

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Consultation has concluded

Have your say

We’d like to hear from parents, carers and young people who have engaged with our Special Education Needs and Disabilities Mediation, Disagreement and Resolution services in Oxfordshire. By sharing what you think about our current services, will help us understand what is working well and where improvements are needed to ensure the best outcomes for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Please fill in our online survey by clicking the ‘TAKE SURVEY’ button below.


Oxfordshire County Council will continue to make available independent mediation, disagreement and resolution across special educational provision, and health and care provision in relation to Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan. The current contract for services is due to come to an end in March 2025 and we are in the process of recommissioning a new contract to be in place as from 1st April 2025, which will be for five years.

Once we have collected and analysed all responses, we will use your feedback to guide the development of our new contract for SEND Mediation service in Oxfordshire. We are committed to transparency and will keep you informed of any updates or changes based on your input.


For further information on what support is currently available in resolving a SEN dispute, please the Resolving a dispute about SEN decisions on Oxfordshire County Council website.

Have your say

We’d like to hear from parents, carers and young people who have engaged with our Special Education Needs and Disabilities Mediation, Disagreement and Resolution services in Oxfordshire. By sharing what you think about our current services, will help us understand what is working well and where improvements are needed to ensure the best outcomes for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Please fill in our online survey by clicking the ‘TAKE SURVEY’ button below.


Oxfordshire County Council will continue to make available independent mediation, disagreement and resolution across special educational provision, and health and care provision in relation to Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan. The current contract for services is due to come to an end in March 2025 and we are in the process of recommissioning a new contract to be in place as from 1st April 2025, which will be for five years.

Once we have collected and analysed all responses, we will use your feedback to guide the development of our new contract for SEND Mediation service in Oxfordshire. We are committed to transparency and will keep you informed of any updates or changes based on your input.


For further information on what support is currently available in resolving a SEN dispute, please the Resolving a dispute about SEN decisions on Oxfordshire County Council website.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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