SEND consultation

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Consultation has concluded

Consultation on support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Oxfordshire


We are running two consultations on plans to develop a more inclusive approach to supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Oxfordshire.

These consultations are interlinked and run together between Monday 10 January and Thursday 10 March 2022:

  • The council and its partners are seeking views on a draft Local Area SEND Strategy to develop high quality services across education, health, and social care to support children and young people and their families.

  • Oxfordshire County Council’s proposals for system reform for SEND include making more high quality SEND education available closer to home, reducing reliance on out of county provision, and improving educational outcomes for children through closer partnerships between the council and schools.

Key documents

We recommend you read the consultation documents (available to view and download on the right side of this page and from the two links above) before responding to the survey, as they will provide useful context when you are giving your feedback.

We have also provided some frequently asked questions (FAQs) which you can read HERE or access from the right side of the page.

A printable Easy Read version of the survey is available
HERE (or on right side of page), which summarises both consultation documents, so you can refer to relevant information before answering related questions. (Guidance for completing the Easy Read survey is included lower down this page.)

There is also an Easy Read version of the draft Local Area SEND Strategy available HERE and on the right hand side of the page, or we can send you a copy.

Have your say

We want to hear your views. We will consider all feedback given and this will inform Oxfordshire County Council’s system reform for SEND, and the final Local Area SEND Strategy.

Please complete the survey by clicking on THIS LINK

If want to fill in the Easy Read version of the survey mentioned above, please print it out from the right side of this page. Completed surveys need to be sent back to us by 10 March 2022, using the FREEPOST address provided. (This is free to post and you do not need a stamp.)

If you do not have access to a printer and would like us to send you a printed copy of the Easy Read survey, please phone us on 01865 792 422 or email

Roadshows: we have held five online roadshows and the slides used at these events are available on the right side of this page.

Events specifically for children and young people: we have already run one online event specifically for children and young people and a second session will be held on:
Tuesday 1 March: 5.00pm – 6.30pm.

This event is open to all children and young people in Oxfordshire up to 18 years of age, and up to the age of 25 for those with additional needs. The content for this roadshow has been tailored specifically for children and young people. Familiar adults are welcome to attend as a communication partner to support a child or young person or group.

Book your space HERE

Adapted materials for children and young people
On the right side of this page are some adapted materials for children and young people for use in education and home settings. Imagery and key words provide talking points for conversations about the consultation, and to assist children and young people with a variety of SEND needs to express their views about what is proposed. The materials are designed to work printed out or on a screen. They can be used alongside the Easy Read survey and Easy Read draft Local Area SEND Strategy, and/or the main consultation documents.

Consultation on support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Oxfordshire


We are running two consultations on plans to develop a more inclusive approach to supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Oxfordshire.

These consultations are interlinked and run together between Monday 10 January and Thursday 10 March 2022:

  • The council and its partners are seeking views on a draft Local Area SEND Strategy to develop high quality services across education, health, and social care to support children and young people and their families.

  • Oxfordshire County Council’s proposals for system reform for SEND include making more high quality SEND education available closer to home, reducing reliance on out of county provision, and improving educational outcomes for children through closer partnerships between the council and schools.

Key documents

We recommend you read the consultation documents (available to view and download on the right side of this page and from the two links above) before responding to the survey, as they will provide useful context when you are giving your feedback.

We have also provided some frequently asked questions (FAQs) which you can read HERE or access from the right side of the page.

A printable Easy Read version of the survey is available
HERE (or on right side of page), which summarises both consultation documents, so you can refer to relevant information before answering related questions. (Guidance for completing the Easy Read survey is included lower down this page.)

There is also an Easy Read version of the draft Local Area SEND Strategy available HERE and on the right hand side of the page, or we can send you a copy.

Have your say

We want to hear your views. We will consider all feedback given and this will inform Oxfordshire County Council’s system reform for SEND, and the final Local Area SEND Strategy.

Please complete the survey by clicking on THIS LINK

If want to fill in the Easy Read version of the survey mentioned above, please print it out from the right side of this page. Completed surveys need to be sent back to us by 10 March 2022, using the FREEPOST address provided. (This is free to post and you do not need a stamp.)

If you do not have access to a printer and would like us to send you a printed copy of the Easy Read survey, please phone us on 01865 792 422 or email

Roadshows: we have held five online roadshows and the slides used at these events are available on the right side of this page.

Events specifically for children and young people: we have already run one online event specifically for children and young people and a second session will be held on:
Tuesday 1 March: 5.00pm – 6.30pm.

This event is open to all children and young people in Oxfordshire up to 18 years of age, and up to the age of 25 for those with additional needs. The content for this roadshow has been tailored specifically for children and young people. Familiar adults are welcome to attend as a communication partner to support a child or young person or group.

Book your space HERE

Adapted materials for children and young people
On the right side of this page are some adapted materials for children and young people for use in education and home settings. Imagery and key words provide talking points for conversations about the consultation, and to assist children and young people with a variety of SEND needs to express their views about what is proposed. The materials are designed to work printed out or on a screen. They can be used alongside the Easy Read survey and Easy Read draft Local Area SEND Strategy, and/or the main consultation documents.