School Admissions & Term Dates 2023/24 Consultation

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Consultation has concluded

Have your say
We’d like to hear what you think about the school admissions & proposed term dates process, and what is proposed for Local Authority maintained schools and academies for the 2023/24 academic year.

Please send your comments on the proposals by email to:


Please note that Oxfordshire County Council consults on school admissions annually. However, academies are only obliged to consult once every seven years if they are not proposing any changes. Where they are proposing changes, or where seven years is up, they must consult.

Please see documents attached from academies and from the Local Authority.

Alternative formats
We know that some people can’t, or find it difficult to, take part in online consultations or need things in a different format such as large print, easy read or a different language, to have their say.

If you, or anyone you know needs a printed copy of the documentation, information in an alternative format or help with sharing their thoughts, please email or call the county council's Customer Services Team on 01865 792422. Please note the council's Customer Services Team are unable to answer any detailed questions about school admissions arrangements.

Any feedback will be considered by the relevant Admissions Authority, i.e. the particular academy, academy trust or Oxfordshire County Council. The admission arrangements will then be determined in February 2022 and published in March 2022.

Any feedback from the public will be treated in the strictest confidence by the relevant Admissions Authority in accordance with GDPR regulations and the council's Privacy Policy.

Have your say
We’d like to hear what you think about the school admissions & proposed term dates process, and what is proposed for Local Authority maintained schools and academies for the 2023/24 academic year.

Please send your comments on the proposals by email to:


Please note that Oxfordshire County Council consults on school admissions annually. However, academies are only obliged to consult once every seven years if they are not proposing any changes. Where they are proposing changes, or where seven years is up, they must consult.

Please see documents attached from academies and from the Local Authority.

Alternative formats
We know that some people can’t, or find it difficult to, take part in online consultations or need things in a different format such as large print, easy read or a different language, to have their say.

If you, or anyone you know needs a printed copy of the documentation, information in an alternative format or help with sharing their thoughts, please email or call the county council's Customer Services Team on 01865 792422. Please note the council's Customer Services Team are unable to answer any detailed questions about school admissions arrangements.

Any feedback will be considered by the relevant Admissions Authority, i.e. the particular academy, academy trust or Oxfordshire County Council. The admission arrangements will then be determined in February 2022 and published in March 2022.

Any feedback from the public will be treated in the strictest confidence by the relevant Admissions Authority in accordance with GDPR regulations and the council's Privacy Policy.