Strategic Active Travel Network (SATN): final draft consultation

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Consultation has concluded

The Strategic Active Travel Network (SATN) is a long-term plan for a network of walking and cycling routes across Oxfordshire. It will enable us to prioritise those routes that could make a larger contribution to active travel connections and increase our chances to secure the resources needed to improve them.

In the last few months, we have completed a comprehensive data analysis and developed route proposals in partnership with local councillors, groups and residents - and we are now asking for your views on the final draft of the plan.

These proposals come from a complex and iterative process. Therefore, we recommend reading the project report in detail, which explains the methods followed to arrive at this final draft, as well as the terms we use in the proposals we're consulting on.

The proposals

There are three key elements of this consultation:

  • Project report: including all the data analysis and methodology used to come up with the draft network
  • Desire lines map: showing links between key origins and destinations across the county; each link is categorised as either strategic/primary or complementary/secondary, according to their potential to support active travel and overall contribution to the network
  • Potential 'on the ground' alignments map: a long list of potential routes, including existing/confirmed infrastructure but also a large number of potential alignment which have not yet been assessed or consulted on; for most links, there are at least two options: one on or alongside highway land (roads, lanes) and one on public rights of way or private land (if permissive rights agreed)

The network maps do not represent a commitment from the Council to develop all (or any) of the routes.
Overall, they should be understood as an early optioneering exercise, aimed at identifying options for future development and guiding the allocation of resources / bidding efforts. As opportunities arise, any of the routes will go through additional feasibility work and engagement with local stakeholders (including landowners, if appropriate) before progressing further.

Have your say

Please fill in the survey on this page (below), where you'll be asked about each of the key elements outlined above.

If you have any questions, or prefer to provide feedback directly via email, please get in touch with Joaquim Muntané, Project Manager (Mobility and Place) at Oxfordshire County Council ( / 07526973012).

The Strategic Active Travel Network (SATN) is a long-term plan for a network of walking and cycling routes across Oxfordshire. It will enable us to prioritise those routes that could make a larger contribution to active travel connections and increase our chances to secure the resources needed to improve them.

In the last few months, we have completed a comprehensive data analysis and developed route proposals in partnership with local councillors, groups and residents - and we are now asking for your views on the final draft of the plan.

These proposals come from a complex and iterative process. Therefore, we recommend reading the project report in detail, which explains the methods followed to arrive at this final draft, as well as the terms we use in the proposals we're consulting on.

The proposals

There are three key elements of this consultation:

  • Project report: including all the data analysis and methodology used to come up with the draft network
  • Desire lines map: showing links between key origins and destinations across the county; each link is categorised as either strategic/primary or complementary/secondary, according to their potential to support active travel and overall contribution to the network
  • Potential 'on the ground' alignments map: a long list of potential routes, including existing/confirmed infrastructure but also a large number of potential alignment which have not yet been assessed or consulted on; for most links, there are at least two options: one on or alongside highway land (roads, lanes) and one on public rights of way or private land (if permissive rights agreed)

The network maps do not represent a commitment from the Council to develop all (or any) of the routes.
Overall, they should be understood as an early optioneering exercise, aimed at identifying options for future development and guiding the allocation of resources / bidding efforts. As opportunities arise, any of the routes will go through additional feasibility work and engagement with local stakeholders (including landowners, if appropriate) before progressing further.

Have your say

Please fill in the survey on this page (below), where you'll be asked about each of the key elements outlined above.

If you have any questions, or prefer to provide feedback directly via email, please get in touch with Joaquim Muntané, Project Manager (Mobility and Place) at Oxfordshire County Council ( / 07526973012).

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Let us know what you think on the final draft proposals for SATN.

    Consultation has concluded
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