Oxfordshire County Council residents' survey 2022

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Consultation has concluded

Our annual residents’ survey is landing on door mats across the county this month. It asks people for their views about the county council and the services they receive, how satisfied they are with their local area as a place to live, and for their opinions on county council priorities and council tax.

Households have been selected at random to take part. Participation is entirely voluntary and any member of the household aged 18 or over can fill it in. The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete either online or by filling in the paper form. The results will be used to help shape how the county council is run.

If your household is invited to take part, we very much hope you will have your say. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact our consultation and engagement team by emailing consultations@oxfordshire.gov or calling Oxfordshire County Council’s customer services team on 01865 792422.

If you have received a copy of the survey and need help to take part, or if you can’t find the reply-paid envelope in which to return it, please contact our research partner, Marketing Means on freephone number 0800 849 4019.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Our annual residents’ survey is landing on door mats across the county this month. It asks people for their views about the county council and the services they receive, how satisfied they are with their local area as a place to live, and for their opinions on county council priorities and council tax.

Households have been selected at random to take part. Participation is entirely voluntary and any member of the household aged 18 or over can fill it in. The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete either online or by filling in the paper form. The results will be used to help shape how the county council is run.

If your household is invited to take part, we very much hope you will have your say. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact our consultation and engagement team by emailing consultations@oxfordshire.gov or calling Oxfordshire County Council’s customer services team on 01865 792422.

If you have received a copy of the survey and need help to take part, or if you can’t find the reply-paid envelope in which to return it, please contact our research partner, Marketing Means on freephone number 0800 849 4019.

Thank you in advance for your help.