Information gathering on how partners gather and act on the views of children and young people with SEND, both in terms of individual practice /service delivery and participation /service improvement.
Please complete the survey by clicking the red "Survey" button below.
Action agreed at SEND Improvement and Assurance Board 28/02/2024.
The purpose of this request is to understand how and where across the Oxfordshire SEND local area partnership the views of children and young people with SEND are being sought and acted on, so that we can ensure that all partners understand what is already in place and can ensureContinue reading
Information gathering on how partners gather and act on the views of children and young people with SEND, both in terms of individual practice /service delivery and participation /service improvement.
Please complete the survey by clicking the red "Survey" button below.
Action agreed at SEND Improvement and Assurance Board 28/02/2024.
The purpose of this request is to understand how and where across the Oxfordshire SEND local area partnership the views of children and young people with SEND are being sought and acted on, so that we can ensure that all partners understand what is already in place and can ensure that the partnership-wide work on gathering and acting on views builds on, rather than duplicates, existing practice and activities.
The scope and focus of this information gathering is children and young people with SEND and their families (through early years, school age and into young adulthood, including early help, SEND statutory support and processes, and specialist support and services). If there is activity to understand the views of children and young people more broadly including those with SEND, then please include if you think that it is highly relevant and contributes to understanding the views of and acting on feedback from children and young people with SEND.
The questions seek to understand how views are gathered and acted on both in terms of individual practice and service provision, as well as on a collective basis in terms of participation and improvement initiatives. Some people may be able to answer both of these sections, but there is also an option to signpost to other colleagues and partners if you don’t have knowledge of and responsibility for both.
Please respond to the questions briefly and at a high level. If you can provide any examples or evidence of what and how you ask (e.g. a practice template or set of questions) or the outputs or outcomes of listening to and acting on views and feedback (e.g. an evaluation report or communication), you are able to add attachments or provide links as appropriate.
The expectation is for leaders across the SEND Local Area Partnership to spend around 15-20 minutes providing this initial high level information.
The consolidated summary will be shared with all contributors through the SEND Improvement governance groups as appropriate.
If you have a question or need support please contact Emily George, Partnership Lead for SEND Transformation on