1. Are any parking spaces going to be lost?

    There are currently no formalised parking bays on Westbury Crescent or on immediate surrounding roads.  Parking surveys undertaken in spring 2024  estimate that there is a total existing on-street capacity for up to 128 vehicles to park on the road.   The consultation proposals which include the introduction of planters and double yellow lines would mean that there is a revised capacity for up to 73 on road parking spaces. The vast majority of parking spaces that would be removed would be on Westbury Crescent.  Parking analysis suggests that there is significant spare parking capacity on Church Hill Road were there are minimal amends proposed to parking capacity.    

    2. Will there be sufficient parking capacity?

    Surveys of existing on-street parking demand present a mixed picture.  A series of surveys were undertaken week commencing 18th April 2024. Across the Westbury Crescent area, on-street parking demand during Wednesdays is high and would regularly exceed proposed new capacity throughout the day except for during overnight periods. There are lower levels of on street parking demand throughout observed Thursday and Saturday periods where proposed new on-street parking capacity would either be sufficient throughout the day (Thursday) or would be at/ just above proposed parking capacity limits (Saturday). It is observed that many properties in the area have off-street parking facilities and that a level of commuter parking may be experienced within the area. A separate consultation on a controlled parking zone for Littlemore North is being undertaken.

    3. How are proposals related to the Controlled Parking Zone consultation?

    The county council is undertaking a separate consultation for a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) for Littlemore North.  The Westbury Crescent proposals would complement any future CPZ in the area but are not dependent upon its approval.

    4. How have plans changed from the informal consultation in June?

    The informal consultation earlier this year allowed us to identify a single preferred scheme to consult upon.  Feedback also allowed us to make a number of design amends to the position of some of the planters in order to accommodate access arrangements

    5. How will the planters and proposed green spaces be designed and maintained?

    Concerns were raised during the informal consultation that the proposed green spaces and planters will not be well designed or maintained.  Subject to any approval of the scheme we would like to hear from individuals and the local community who would be interested in being involved in the design, implementation and potential future maintenance of planting and other features.    

    6. When could we expect proposals to be delivered?

    Subject to the outcomes of the consultation a decision on the proposals is expected to be taken at a decisions meeting in December 2024.  If the proposals are approved at this meeting the measures could be expected to be delivered in the first half of 2025.