- overall vehicle movements in the pilot zone have reduced by around 20% during scheme operating hours
- air pollution levels decreased overall in 2022
- the pilot has encouraged change to zero emission vehicles
- the scheme's concept and operating systems work
- compliance has increased since launch
- there is demand, particularly from businesses, for simpler ways to pay ZEZ charges via accounts.
Do the proposed changes include increases to ZEZ charges?
No. We are proposing to remove the end dates from discounts to residents, Blue Badge holders, disabled tax class vehicles, and ZEZ business and ZEZ residents’ vehicles. This means that the discounts will be in place indefinitely.
We are also proposing to remove the increase of daily charges which the existing charging scheme for the ZEZ pilot is ascribing to 1 August 2025. In other words, we are proposing that the current charges will stay in place indefinitely.
How will the proposed changes impact on the effectiveness of the ZEZ pilot?
We consider the current charges are appropriate to achieve the objectives of the ZEZ pilot. The discounts do not significantly affect the scheme’s objectives as they are applicable to a small proportion of the vehicles used in the ZEZ pilot area.
What are your plans for expanding the ZEZ?
Expansion of the ZEZ is a key part of the county council’s Local Transport and Connectivity Plan, and will be subject to engagement with residents, businesses and other interested parties, assessments, consultation, and funding. The county council is currently working on proposals, taking into account other key priorities as well as Network Rail’s planned work for the upgrade to Oxford Railway Station. Further details will be available in due course.
Where is the ZEZ pilot?
The ZEZ pilot is in operation on nine streets at the heart of the city centre. You can view the map and see the details on the county council website.
How do I pay for travel in the zero emission zone?
Use our vehicle checker on the county council website to check your vehicle and pay. The vehicle checker asks for your registration number and will take into account any discounts you may have.
You can pay for trips into the zone up to six days in advance. Carefully check the dates you are travelling if you want to pay in advance. You can also pay on the day or up to six days later. Check your vehicle and pay
The charge covers the entire day, so you can use your vehicle within the area on multiple occasions on each day the charge is paid.
How is income from charges and fines being used?
Income from the ZEZ is used to pay for its development and operation as well as to fund schemes that support the transport objectives of Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council.
What are the findings from ZEZ pilot so far?
Monitoring report on the ZEZ pilot is being finalised and will be published shortly. Initial findings include: