Oxford zero emission zone pilot - taxi and private hire vehicles (PHV) proposed change

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Consultation has concluded

Tell us your views on a proposed change to the Oxford zero emission zone pilot

We're consulting on a proposed change to the zero emission zone pilot (ZEZ pilot) in Oxford city centre. The proposed change applies to private hire vehicles (PHVs) and to Hackney carriages (taxis) licensed by authorities outside of Oxford (non-Oxford taxis).

The ZEZ pilot was introduced in February 2022 on nine streets in Oxford city centre. You can find out more about the scheme on our main website.

Proposed change

The proposed change and reasons for it are outlined below.

Current scheme

The 50 per cent discount for non-Oxford Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles (PHVs) is currently due to end on 31 July 2025.

Proposed change

Remove the end date of the discount and instead allow the discount to continue indefinitely.

Reasons for the proposed change

Considering cost of living pressures, we don’t think it is necessary or appropriate for this discount to end on the date shown, so we’re now proposing the discount will continue for as long as the pilot is in place. This will:

  • provide relief from additional ZEZ charges for taxi and PHV users and operators, particularly for people with disabilities who may rely on PHVs and taxis for getting around
  • provide clarity and assurance of costs for the remainder of the pilot scheme’s operation for PHV and non-Oxford Hackney operators and their customers.

Have your say

Please complete the survey below by 5pm on Friday, 20 December 2024.

What happens next

A report from the public consultation will inform the council’s decision about the changes.

If the change is approved, the ZEZ charging order will be updated.

Tell us your views on a proposed change to the Oxford zero emission zone pilot

We're consulting on a proposed change to the zero emission zone pilot (ZEZ pilot) in Oxford city centre. The proposed change applies to private hire vehicles (PHVs) and to Hackney carriages (taxis) licensed by authorities outside of Oxford (non-Oxford taxis).

The ZEZ pilot was introduced in February 2022 on nine streets in Oxford city centre. You can find out more about the scheme on our main website.

Proposed change

The proposed change and reasons for it are outlined below.

Current scheme

The 50 per cent discount for non-Oxford Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles (PHVs) is currently due to end on 31 July 2025.

Proposed change

Remove the end date of the discount and instead allow the discount to continue indefinitely.

Reasons for the proposed change

Considering cost of living pressures, we don’t think it is necessary or appropriate for this discount to end on the date shown, so we’re now proposing the discount will continue for as long as the pilot is in place. This will:

  • provide relief from additional ZEZ charges for taxi and PHV users and operators, particularly for people with disabilities who may rely on PHVs and taxis for getting around
  • provide clarity and assurance of costs for the remainder of the pilot scheme’s operation for PHV and non-Oxford Hackney operators and their customers.

Have your say

Please complete the survey below by 5pm on Friday, 20 December 2024.

What happens next

A report from the public consultation will inform the council’s decision about the changes.

If the change is approved, the ZEZ charging order will be updated.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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