Expansion of The Orion Academy: Satellite Provision in Banbury

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Consultation has concluded

UPDATE: The principle of the satellite provision was approved in principle by the Regional Schools Commissioner on 7 July 2020, subject to the outcomes of this consultation.

In response to the demand for Special School places for children and young people with complex SEMH and ASD, The Gallery Trust is looking to open a satellite provision of The Orion Academy at Longford Park School in Banbury.

The satellite provision will plan to be flexible to the needs of the Banbury community, initially providing places for up to 16 pupils from Year 6 to Year 8 who require a special school place due to their special educational needs. This would be a temporary provision for two years, until the new Bloxham Grove special school is opened, that students from the satellite provision will be able to move onto.

The Orion Academy is dedicated to providing the structure and security within which all our students can flourish, build self-esteem and prepare for their future lives beyond school. The Academy is aspirational for all students and expects them to:

  • Achieve their best
  • Become confident individuals, living fulfilling lives
  • Make a successful transition into adulthood

The community of staff and students work together to ensure a safe learning environment whilst offering a nurturing curriculum which promotes mutual respect and protective behaviours, in addition to academic achievement.

Orion Academy has adopted a restorative approach to managing conflict and issues which may arise. This consideration and empathy for others underpins the ethos and values of the school.

The Academy is part of The Gallery Trust, a special Multi-Academy Trust dedicated to providing outstanding education and support for young people with special needs and disabilities, enabled through:

  • Commitment to special education – striving to provide the best specialist learning experience for all students.
  • Opportunities for all to learn – ensuring that students and staff have access to learning pathways which enhance their lives.
  • Genuine respect and value – creating relationships which promote trust, confidence and respect within environments which are safe and secure.

UPDATE: The principle of the satellite provision was approved in principle by the Regional Schools Commissioner on 7 July 2020, subject to the outcomes of this consultation.

In response to the demand for Special School places for children and young people with complex SEMH and ASD, The Gallery Trust is looking to open a satellite provision of The Orion Academy at Longford Park School in Banbury.

The satellite provision will plan to be flexible to the needs of the Banbury community, initially providing places for up to 16 pupils from Year 6 to Year 8 who require a special school place due to their special educational needs. This would be a temporary provision for two years, until the new Bloxham Grove special school is opened, that students from the satellite provision will be able to move onto.

The Orion Academy is dedicated to providing the structure and security within which all our students can flourish, build self-esteem and prepare for their future lives beyond school. The Academy is aspirational for all students and expects them to:

  • Achieve their best
  • Become confident individuals, living fulfilling lives
  • Make a successful transition into adulthood

The community of staff and students work together to ensure a safe learning environment whilst offering a nurturing curriculum which promotes mutual respect and protective behaviours, in addition to academic achievement.

Orion Academy has adopted a restorative approach to managing conflict and issues which may arise. This consideration and empathy for others underpins the ethos and values of the school.

The Academy is part of The Gallery Trust, a special Multi-Academy Trust dedicated to providing outstanding education and support for young people with special needs and disabilities, enabled through:

  • Commitment to special education – striving to provide the best specialist learning experience for all students.
  • Opportunities for all to learn – ensuring that students and staff have access to learning pathways which enhance their lives.
  • Genuine respect and value – creating relationships which promote trust, confidence and respect within environments which are safe and secure.