National Highways and Transport (NHT) Network 2024
Consultation has concluded
Give us your views on roads and transport
Help us to improve our services in Oxfordshire by telling us what you think.
About the survey
Oxfordshire is taking part in a nationwide survey on public satisfaction with transport and road services.
We're asking for your views on:
- accessibility
- highways maintenance
- public transport
- road safety
- tackling congestion
- walking and cycling
- business users
The surveys are independent and have been created for the National Highways and Traffic Network (NHTN). Feel free to take part in one or all of them. Each survey will only take a few minutes.
The answers you give will:
- help us to understand how you feel about our service
- inform decisions about roads, cycling, bus services and public transport in Oxfordshire.
The surveys are anonymous. The only details we ask are for demographic purposes, for example, your age range.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve only just moved to the area, or if you don’t pay Council Tax, we want to hear from a wide range of people.
Are you satisfied with the provision of things like safe crossing points and dropped kerbs for pushchairs and wheelchairs in Oxfordshire? How easy are buses to get on and off? These are the types of things you can tell us about in the accessibility survey.
Highways maintenance
In the highways maintenance survey, tell us what you think of the condition of Oxfordshire's roads, street lighting, cleanliness and much more.
Public transport
If you use any form of public transport, from buses to taxis or even community transport, we want to hear what you think of the service. Are you kept well enough informed? Are they reliable?
Road safety
Road safety is important to us so what you tell us in this survey will help to determine our priorities in the future. Are you satisfied with road safety in Oxfordshire? Do we deal with potholes and gritting quickly enough?
Tackling congestion
We understand traffic levels and congestion in Oxfordshire can be an issue. Do you feel there's too much pollution in Oxfordshire? Do we do enough to reduce traffic delays? Do we complete roadworks in good time?
Walking and cycling
If you prefer to walk or cycle around town, now's your chance to tell us if our pavements and paths are up to scratch; if cycle lanes are suitable or signposts for pedestrians are adequate?
Business survey
As a business in Oxfordshire, you can tell us about all the above in one survey. Providing your views on all of these topics will help to improve transport links and services in Oxfordshire, leading to better business opportunities.
If you want to make any further comments / suggestions, provide extra detail in support of your answers, or need to request an alternative survey format please contact the Highways Team at Oxfordshire County Council.
More information
Find out more information about the NHT Network's public satisfaction surveys.