Mobility Hubs

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As part of our transport plans for Oxfordshire we are reviewing transport interchanges across the county and we want your input.

Our Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP) approved in July 2022 outlined the need for us to improve the way we travel around the county and to better integrate different transport modes.

The LTCP sets out key transport targets for the future which include:

By 2030 to:

  • Replace or remove 1 out of every 4 current car trips in Oxfordshire
  • Increase the number of cycle trips in Oxfordshire from 600,000 to 1 million cycle trips per week
  • Reduce road fatalities or serious injuries by 50%

By 2040 to:

  • Deliver a net-zero transport network
  • Replace or remove an additional 1 out of 3 car trips in Oxfordshire

By 2050 to:

  • Deliver a transport network that contributes to a climate positive future
  • Have zero, or as close as possible, road fatalities or serious injuries

One way in which we plan to deliver these targets and deliver our vision for transport in the county is to develop transport “mobility hubs”.

What is a mobility hub?

A mobility hub is where several transport modes and community facilities are located together for seamless interchange.

Mobility hubs must:

  • Provide transport interchange between at least two transport modes.
  • Be of benefit to communities.
  • Make up an easy-to-use transport network that is accessible to all.


Mobility hubs aim to:

  • Support the prioritisation of sustainable transport modes.
  • Improve health and well-being of residents.
  • Support the development of an integrated and inclusive public transport network.
  • Support the development of an inclusive, affordable and flexible transport system.

Have your say

We are currently working to identify locations for future mobility hubs across the country. This will help to inform future work such as the development of Area Travel Plans across the county.

To help inform this process we are asking interested residents and stakeholders for their views on locations where we could make transport interchange improvements to benefit our local communities.

Key destinations that mobility hubs could be situated near or in are:

  • Community centres
  • Employment centres
  • Science/business parks
  • High streets
  • Hospitals
  • Housing clusters
  • Libraries
  • Park and Charge EV charging sites
  • Schools
  • Tourist/entertainment attractions
  • Car parks
  • Existing transport interchanges

Tell us where you think transport interchange upgrades should be made – where would have the biggest impact for you and make you travel differently?

Use the MAPS option below to add a suggested location and amenities you would like to see to help you change the way you travel.

Before adding your feedback we've provided some background information about the four types of mobility hubs we will develop in Oxfordshire to help inform your thinking. Check our FAQs for more detail on each type of hub.

As part of our transport plans for Oxfordshire we are reviewing transport interchanges across the county and we want your input.

Our Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP) approved in July 2022 outlined the need for us to improve the way we travel around the county and to better integrate different transport modes.

The LTCP sets out key transport targets for the future which include:

By 2030 to:

  • Replace or remove 1 out of every 4 current car trips in Oxfordshire
  • Increase the number of cycle trips in Oxfordshire from 600,000 to 1 million cycle trips per week
  • Reduce road fatalities or serious injuries by 50%

By 2040 to:

  • Deliver a net-zero transport network
  • Replace or remove an additional 1 out of 3 car trips in Oxfordshire

By 2050 to:

  • Deliver a transport network that contributes to a climate positive future
  • Have zero, or as close as possible, road fatalities or serious injuries

One way in which we plan to deliver these targets and deliver our vision for transport in the county is to develop transport “mobility hubs”.

What is a mobility hub?

A mobility hub is where several transport modes and community facilities are located together for seamless interchange.

Mobility hubs must:

  • Provide transport interchange between at least two transport modes.
  • Be of benefit to communities.
  • Make up an easy-to-use transport network that is accessible to all.


Mobility hubs aim to:

  • Support the prioritisation of sustainable transport modes.
  • Improve health and well-being of residents.
  • Support the development of an integrated and inclusive public transport network.
  • Support the development of an inclusive, affordable and flexible transport system.

Have your say

We are currently working to identify locations for future mobility hubs across the country. This will help to inform future work such as the development of Area Travel Plans across the county.

To help inform this process we are asking interested residents and stakeholders for their views on locations where we could make transport interchange improvements to benefit our local communities.

Key destinations that mobility hubs could be situated near or in are:

  • Community centres
  • Employment centres
  • Science/business parks
  • High streets
  • Hospitals
  • Housing clusters
  • Libraries
  • Park and Charge EV charging sites
  • Schools
  • Tourist/entertainment attractions
  • Car parks
  • Existing transport interchanges

Tell us where you think transport interchange upgrades should be made – where would have the biggest impact for you and make you travel differently?

Use the MAPS option below to add a suggested location and amenities you would like to see to help you change the way you travel.

Before adding your feedback we've provided some background information about the four types of mobility hubs we will develop in Oxfordshire to help inform your thinking. Check our FAQs for more detail on each type of hub.

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Mobility hub suggested locations

about 1 year

We are working to identify locations for future mobility hubs across the county. But before we start planning the work we need to do, we want to know what you think. Tell us where you think transport interchange upgrades should be made – where would have the biggest impact for you and make you travel differently?

Locations can range from upgrading existing bus shelters to include facilities such as secure cycle parking, to building larger transport interchanges that include things such as parking, shared cars and bikes and package delivery lockers. 

Have your say

Use the map pins to add a suggested location and amenities you would like to see to help you change the way you travel. The map is separated into districts. Use the zoom function to find the location and drop a pin with your suggestion. You can suggest as many sites as you like.

We will use feedback from this resident and stakeholder engagement to help inform and assess locations.

Page last updated: 09 Oct 2024, 12:57 PM