Electric vehicles and home energy systems

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Consultation has concluded

A survey was conducted in January 2023 which was part of a research project looking into new home energy systems that might benefit residents who drive electric vehicles (EVs) in the future gather insight about the energy behaviours of local residents.

Oxfordshire County Council is part of a research project looking into new home energy systems that might benefit residents who drive electric vehicles (EVs) in the future. We are looking to gather information about the energy behaviours of local residents and to understand how people in Oxfordshire might respond to new home energy and electric vehicle technologies and what might trigger them to be adopted.

Your views on electric vehicles and home energy systems - the full report can be found here.

You said:

  • The high response rate to this survey suggests that the subjects of electric vehicles and home energy systems are highly popular with Oxfordshire residents, and that there is a strong interest in the concept of Vehicle to Home energy systems.
  • From the responses to this survey, it appears that across the board there is a strong positive reaction to the concept of vehicle to home technology and a great willingness for people to potentially adopt this in their own homes.
  • The results are very promising and suggest that Oxfordshire could be a potentially excellent area to pilot new Vehicle to Home technologies.
  • Given more time, there is a wealth of further analysis that could be carried out on this rich dataset to further understand some of the other factors that might influence the main key outcomes: a) respondents’ initial reaction to, b) potential willingness to adopt and c) perceived advantages and disadvantages of having Vehicle to Home technology in their homes.

Next steps

  • Next steps: we are looking at funding sources to potentially run some real-life trials of Vehicle to Home technology in Oxfordshire.

More information from the initial engagement can be found here.

A survey was conducted in January 2023 which was part of a research project looking into new home energy systems that might benefit residents who drive electric vehicles (EVs) in the future gather insight about the energy behaviours of local residents.

Oxfordshire County Council is part of a research project looking into new home energy systems that might benefit residents who drive electric vehicles (EVs) in the future. We are looking to gather information about the energy behaviours of local residents and to understand how people in Oxfordshire might respond to new home energy and electric vehicle technologies and what might trigger them to be adopted.

Your views on electric vehicles and home energy systems - the full report can be found here.

You said:

  • The high response rate to this survey suggests that the subjects of electric vehicles and home energy systems are highly popular with Oxfordshire residents, and that there is a strong interest in the concept of Vehicle to Home energy systems.
  • From the responses to this survey, it appears that across the board there is a strong positive reaction to the concept of vehicle to home technology and a great willingness for people to potentially adopt this in their own homes.
  • The results are very promising and suggest that Oxfordshire could be a potentially excellent area to pilot new Vehicle to Home technologies.
  • Given more time, there is a wealth of further analysis that could be carried out on this rich dataset to further understand some of the other factors that might influence the main key outcomes: a) respondents’ initial reaction to, b) potential willingness to adopt and c) perceived advantages and disadvantages of having Vehicle to Home technology in their homes.

Next steps

  • Next steps: we are looking at funding sources to potentially run some real-life trials of Vehicle to Home technology in Oxfordshire.

More information from the initial engagement can be found here.