Why is the scheme needed?

    The Didcot Northern Perimeter Road – Section 3 (Didcot NPR3) scheme is a ‘missing link’ in terms of the strategic transport infrastructure within Didcot and will extend the existing A4130 Didcot Northern Perimeter Road – and, in doing so, link the A4130 Abingdon Road and A4130 Hadden Hill corridors.  

    The Didcot NPR3 scheme will play a vital role in taking traffic out of the centre of Didcot (in particular for east-to-west journeys), as well as provide a new shared pedestrian/cycle link that will connect into existing (and planned) active travel infrastructure. The scheme aims to: 

    • Provide a much-needed alternative route around the town  

    • Help to reduce congestion  

    • Deliver high quality pedestrian and cycle infrastructure  

    • Promote and accommodate active travel  

    • Support planned growth in housing and employment in the region while following the policies set out in Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP, 2022) 

    The Didcot NPR3 scheme represents an essential part of an overall strategy in Didcot to accommodate housing and wider economic growth, whilst also helping to enable the Didcot Garden Town aspirations (more than 17,000 new homes) to be realised. 

    The County Council is seeking to construct / deliver the northern section of the Didcot NPR3 scheme, whilst the southern section is to be delivered by Bloor Homes as developer of the Ladygrove East development.

    What will the northern section comprise?

    The northern section of the Didcot NPR3 scheme, which is to be delivered by the County Council, will comprise the northern junction convergence with the existing A4130, Abingdon Road and Lady Grove carriageways. It also encompasses the link that will connect the northern junction with Bloor Homes’ southern section of the Didcot NPR3 scheme. 

    Has planning consent been granted?

    Planning permission for the Didcot NPR3 scheme was granted by South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) against planning application reference (P0/8W0241) in 2009, and the planning consent was subsequently renewed on 3 September 2012 for a further 3 years (up until 3 September 2015) under planning application reference P12S1351EX.  

    Bloor Homes, developer of the Ladygrove East residential scheme, was granted outline planning consent for a residential development comprising up to 750 dwellings by SODC against planning application reference P19/S0720/O on 22 April 2024. Whilst the means of access via Hadden Hill (A4130) is to be determined, it is understood that Bloor Homes are planning to commence construction of the southern section of the Didcot NPR3 scheme during Summer 2027 (Bloor Homes to confirm timescales). 

    The County Council is now in a position to engage with the public and other relevant stakeholders on the updated preliminary designs for the northern section of the Didcot NPR3 scheme, after which a new planning application (that will build upon the previous planning applications) will be devised and submitted. 

    Has the land been obtained for the scheme?

    The proposed works for the northern section of the Didcot NPR3 scheme can be accommodated on land that is already under Council ownership. 

    Bloor Homes own the land upon which the southern section of the Didcot NPR3 scheme will be delivered.  

    How is the scheme being funded?

    The County Council’s northern section of the Didcot NPR3 scheme is being funded through a combination of infrastructure grant funding from Government, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding and Section 106 contributions from developers. 

    Bloor Homes are funding the delivery of the southern section of the Didcot NPR3 scheme.  

    What is the latest programme for the project?

    The County Council’s project team will be holding public engagement events at the Ladygrove Community Centre in Didcot (OX11 7UQ) from 2-8pm on Thursday 6 March 2025 and Thursday 13 March 2025. Further information can be found here (link to be inserted). 

    The purpose of upcoming public engagement events is to obtain feedback on the preliminary designs for the northern junction and the link that will connect in with the southern section that is to be delivered by Bloor Homes 

    The project team is looking to submit a planning application for the northern section of the Didcot NPR3 scheme during Autumn 2025, and is targeting planning committee in early 2026.  

    Construction is anticipated to start on site during Summer 2027 and last approximately 12 months. 

    What about the impact on wildlife and the environment?

    An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be carried out to ensure any impacts on the environment, wildlife and ecology are properly investigated and mitigated or avoided where possible in accordance with the applicable legislation. The EIA will also evaluate (and seek to mitigate) any potential impacts on the historic environment, as well as include an Air Quality Impact Assessment and Noise Impact Assessment. As part of the landscaping strategy, there could be opportunities for planting alongside the new route. 

    Will construction traffic cause traffic disruption in Didcot?

    A notable proportion of the construction of the northern element of the Didcot NPR3 scheme will be undertaken and completed off the main carriageway. The works will, however, entail introducing a new (fourth) arm to the existing priority-controlled junction between the A4130, Abingdon Road and Ladygrove carriageways. We will coordinate these workin order to minimise the impact on the network as far as is reasonably practicable. Further details of this will be available prior to the start of construction. 

    What speed limit will the scheme operate under?

    It is proposed that both the northern and southern sections of the the Didcot NPR3 scheme will operate under a 30mph speed limit. 

    What is the width of the proposed shared cycleway/footway?

    The County Council’s northern section of the scheme will comprise a 5.6m wide shared cycleway/footway on the western side of the carriageway, which will be consistent with the walking and cycling infrastructure that will be delivered as part of the southern section of the scheme that is to be constructed / delivered by Bloor Homes as part of the Ladygrove East development (which was granted outline planning consent in April 2024).

    What biodiversity and ecological improvements will the scheme be providing / delivering?

    Biodiversity net gain and ecological improvements that will be delivered as part of the County Council’s northern section of the scheme will be in accordance with prevailing national and local (Oxfordshire County Council) requirements.

    Will the public get to see any drawings, maps or plans?

    Yes. Maps and plans are available to view on OCC’s consultation platform Let’s Talk Oxfordshire , which showcase the designs of the scheme. 

    How does this project relate to other infrastructure work that is current or planned?

    The County Council’s northern section of the scheme will connect in with existing infrastructure on the existing A4130, Abingdon Road and Ladygrove corridors, as well as provide connectivity to existing local walking and cycling routes in the immediate surrounds. 

    The County Council’s section of the scheme will tie-in with the southern section of the scheme (to be constructed / delivered by Bloor Homes) to the north of the roundabout that will serve the Ladygrove East development. 

    The County Council’s northern section of the scheme has been developed in accordance with the policies set out in Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP, 2022), and in consideration of the Didcot ‘Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan’ (LCWIP, October 2023).

    How can I find out more?

    If you have any specific questions about the scheme then please contact the project delivery team via DidcotNPR3@oxfordshire.gov.uk  

    How can I ask a question or make a complaint/comment and how will my feedback be considered?

    A public exhibition is being held from 25 Februry to 25 March 2025 via the OCC consultation platform Let’s Talk Oxfordshire. You will be able to see the plans and maps/drawings. There will also be an online survey for you to complete which asks for your thoughts on the proposals.

    After this consultation closes, we’ll review the feedback in more detail and used to make any necessary amendments to the draft design before a planning application is submitted.

    In preparation for submitting a planning application later this year, the following assessments are being undertaken:

    • Archaeological
    • Ecological
    • Environmental
    • Traffic

    The feedback from this consultation will be included in the planning application as a Statement of Community Involvement



    You can also sign up to receive regular news and alerts from Oxfordshire County Council’s Travel Bulletin.


    What if I don’t have internet access or access to a computer, smartphone, or tablet or need information in an alternative format?

    We know that some people can’t, or find it difficult to, take part in online consultations or need things in a different format such as large print, easy read or a different language, to have their say.

    If you, or anyone you know needs a printed copy of the questionnaire, information in an alternative format or help with sharing their thoughts please email DidcotNPR3@oxfordshire.gov.uk or call the county council's Customer Services Team on 01865 792422.

    Please note the council's Customer Services Team are unable to answer any detailed questions about the proposals and these will be passed to the relevant project team who will respond as soon as possible.