Culham Footpath No. 1 Public Inquiry Documents. Ref: 03426
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Copies of the public inquiry documents.
Copies of the public inquiry documents.
Key Dates
24 January → 26 January 2023
Notice of Inquiry - 24 January 2023 (77.1 KB) (pdf)
Order Documents
OCC Statement of Case & Background Documents
OCC Statement of Case (95.4 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 1 - Definitive Map Extract (1.42 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 2 - Culham FP1 Order Plan (250 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 3 - Local Plan Strategic Allocation Plan (Page 254) (622 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 4 - Local Plan (Pages 48-52) (414 KB) (pdf)
Definitive Statement - Culham FP1 (163 KB) (pdf)
Network Rail Statement of Case & Appendices
Statement of Case - Network Rail (3.2 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 1-ORRs Strategy for regulation of health and safety risks – 4 Level Crossings (1.01 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 2-Principles for managing level crossing safety (1.87 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 3-Enhancing Level Crossing Safety 2019–2029 (2.2 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 4-RSSB Safety Risk Model (161 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 5-Impact Assessment Report (2.16 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 6-Mexico Rail Crossing Extinguishment Order 2013 (1.63 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 7-Buriton Rail Crossing Extinguishment Order 2015 (1.18 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 8-Mountsorrel Rail Crossing Extinguishment Order 2017 (1.57 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 9-Glebe Way Rail Crossing Extinguishment Definitive Map Statement Modification Order 2018 (456 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 10-Moor Lane Rail Crossing Extinguishment Order 2021 (285 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 11-Employment and Residential Development (310 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 12-Dallington Grange s257 Order 2022 (468 KB) (pdf)
Statement of Case - Nick Moon CPRE
Statement of Case - David Godfrey - Ramblers
Proof of Evidence - Oxfordshire County Council (157 KB) (pdf)
Proof of Evidence - D Godfrey - Ramblers (216 KB) (pdf)
Network Rail Proof of Evidence - Ms L Bullock
1. Proof of Evidence - NR Lisa Bullock (1.79 MB) (pdf)
2. A - Adopted Policies Layers Map 2020 Dec N and S 25000 (5.49 MB) (pdf)
3. A - Policies STRAT8 and STRAT9 SODCLP2035 (372 KB) (pdf)
4. A - Policy TRANS3 SODCLP2035 (142 KB) (pdf)
5. B - Policy CSEM3 South Oxfordshire Core Strategy 2012 (106 KB) (pdf)
6. C - The Oxfordshire Rights of Way Management Plan 2015-2025 (3 MB) (pdf)
7. D - Cycling and walking investment strategy report to Parliament 2022 (1.06 MB) (pdf)
8. D - Walking and cycling statistics England 2021 (1.03 MB) (pdf)
9. E - Annual Monitoring Report SODC 2020-21 (1.87 MB) (pdf)
10. F - P17 S3719 SCO Enviromental Scoping Report Part 1 (4.81 MB) (pdf)
11. F - P17 S3719 SCO Scoping Opinion for land at Culham Science Village (597 KB) (pdf)
12. G - P22 S0877 SCO Developer Scoping Opinion Request (3.73 MB) (pdf)
13. G - P22 S0877 SCO Scoping Opinion Report P22 S0877 SCO (744 KB) (pdf)
14. H - P17 S4193 FUL Committee Report (136 KB) (pdf)
15. H - P17 S4193 FUL Layout Plan (1.56 MB) (pdf)
16. H - P17 S4193 FUL Planning Statement (474 KB) (pdf)
17. H - P17 S4193 FUL Site Location Plan (1.18 MB) (pdf)
18. I - P19 S2198 FUL Addendum to Planning Statement (377 KB) (pdf)
19. I - P19 S2198 FUL Decision Notice (156 KB) (pdf)
20. I - P19 S2198 FUL Location Plan (797 KB) (pdf)
21. I - P19 S2198 FUL Planning Statement (512 KB) (pdf)
22. J - P21 S1388 FUL Decision Notice (158 KB) (pdf)
23. J - P21 S1388 FUL Site Location Plan (375 KB) (pdf)
24. K - P21 S1257 FUL Decision Notice (167 KB) (pdf)
25. K - P21 S1257 FUL Location Plan (1.28 MB) (pdf)
26. K - P21 S1257 FUL Planning Statement (299 KB) (pdf)
27. K - P21 S1257 FUL Transport Statement (3.43 MB) (pdf)
28. L - P21 S1384 FUL Delegated Report (235 KB) (pdf)
29. L - P21 S1384 FUL Travel Plan (7.65 MB) (pdf)
30. M - P21 S1388 FUL Decision Notice (158 KB) (pdf)
31. M - P21 S1388 FUL Location Plan (375 KB) (pdf)
32. M - P21 S1388 FUL Planning Statement (808 KB) (pdf)
33. N - Framework Masterplan July 22 Culham Science Centre (5.73 MB) (pdf)
34. O - CEG Masterplan for STRAT9 (19.7 MB) (pdf)
35. P - S Oxon Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment July 2022 (9.05 MB) (pdf)
36. P - Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) (669 KB) (pdf)
37. Q - Oxfordshire County Council Guide to Developer Contributions Page 59 (105 KB) (pdf)
38. R - Spreadsheet Breakdown of movement generated by development (38.1 KB) (pdf)
39. S - VoWH Monitoring Report Para 7 21 (1.94 MB) (pdf)
40. T - P12 V0299 O Decision Notice 2500 houses Grove Airfield (187 KB) (pdf)
41. U - P17 V2764 DIS letter of approval (440 KB) (pdf)
Network Rail Proof of Evidence - Mr J Audley
1. Proof of Evidence - Mr J Audley (285 KB) (pdf)
2. Appendix JA1 - Nuneham Level Crossing Extinguishment Order 2018 (241 KB) (pdf)
3. Appendix JA2 - New Timetable Post Railway Enhancements (32.2 KB) (pdf)
4. Appendix JA3 - Wider Oxfordshire PRoW Network (624 KB) (pdf)
5. Appendix JA4 - Diversion Letters and Replies, March 2014 (906 KB) (pdf)
6. Appendix JA5 - s.26 Highways Act 1980 (322 KB) (pdf)
7. Appendix JA6 - s.130 Highways Act 1980 (338 KB) (pdf)
Network Rail Proof of Evidence - Mr J Greenwood
1. Proof of Evidence - Mr J Greenwood (1.1 MB) (pdf)
2. Appx JG1 - DEFRA Rights of Way Circular 1-09 (599 KB) (pdf)
3. Appx JG2 - Managing Public Money 2021 [Exracts Ch1, 4, 5, 7 and Annex 4-15 AM] (1.03 MB) (pdf)
4. Appx JG3 - Charfield 8 Bridge and Tunnel Order 2017 – Decision Letter (355 KB) (pdf)
5. Appx JG4 - Darkies 118A OD (266 KB) (pdf)
6. Appx JG5 - Ballast Hole PFP LC 119A OD (2.47 MB) (pdf)
7. Appx JG6 - Appleby Eden DC s257 OD 26-07-2019 (289 KB) (pdf)
8. Appx JG7 - Bailey Lane s119A OD Sep 2022 (800 KB) (pdf)
9. Appx JG8 - Census Good Practice LCG02 July 2017 (1.08 MB) (pdf)
10. Appx JG9 - Enhancing-Level-Crossing-Safety-2019-2029 (2.2 MB) (pdf)
11. Appx JG10 - Level Crossing Digest Issue 3 (2021) (2.81 MB) (pdf)
Network Rail Proof of Evidence - Mr R Pedley
1. Proof of Evidence - Mr R Pedley (1.59 MB) (pdf)
2. Appendix RP1 - Oxford Rail Corridor Study (ORCS), Network Rail (1.29 MB) (pdf)
3. Appendix RP2 - Fatal accident at Kings Mill No.1 level crossing RAIB (1.82 MB) (pdf)
4. Appendix RP3 - Enhancing Level Crossing Safety 2019-2029 (2.2 MB) (pdf)
5. Appendix RP4 - Principles for managing level crossing safety (615 KB) (pdf)
6. Appendix RP5 - Provision and risk management of level crossings (414 KB) (pdf)
7. Appendix RP6 - Risk assessing level crossings (507 KB) (pdf)
8. Appendix RP7 - LCG24 Guidance for applying GDF to CBA (385 KB) (pdf)
Network Rail Summary Proofs of Evidence
Correspondence with Objectors
CPRE Formal Objection (12.1 KB) (pdf)
CPRE NR Response to Objection (21 KB) (pdf)
CPRE Response to NR (11.2 KB) (pdf)
CPRE OCC 28.05.2019 (144 KB) (pdf)
CPRE Confirmation of Objection (145 KB) (pdf)
Mr Lawrence Letter of Objection (1.08 MB) (pdf)
Mr Lawrence OCC Response to Objection (168 KB) (pdf)
Mr Lawrence NR Response to Objection (1.12 MB) (pdf)
Mr Lawrence OCC 28.05.2019 (144 KB) (pdf)
Mr Lawrence Removal of Objection (82 KB) (pdf)
OFS Objection (214 KB) (pdf)
OFS OCC Response to Objection (336 KB) (pdf)
OFS NR Response to Objection (16.4 KB) (pdf)
OFS Response to NR (74.9 KB) (pdf)
OFS OCC 28.05.2019 (144 KB) (pdf)
Ramblers Objection (237 KB) (pdf)
Ramblers OCC Response to Objection (336 KB) (pdf)
Ramblers NR Response to Objection (16.4 KB) (pdf)
Ramblers OCC 28.05.2019 (144 KB) (pdf)
Ramblers and OFS Maintain Objection (118 KB) (pdf)
Who's Listening
Public Rights of Way Officer
ASPhone 01865 815302 Email