Cherwell Street, Banbury - Bus Service Improvement Scheme (including Bridge Street & George Street Junctions)

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You Said We Did update from the 2024 consultation

From Monday 4 March to Monday 1 April 2024, we invited feedback on the proposed design for the Cherwell Street bus service improvement project.

The project includes bus priority measures as well as improved crossing facilities, optimisation of traffic signal times, changes to traffic lane allocation and lining/signing improvements.

These improvements will also bring safety benefits for people walking, cycling and wheeling between the town centre bus stops and the train station, whilst minimising impacts on general traffic.

120 completed surveys were received (115 online responses and five hard copies).

You said…

87% of public responses were favourable toward the proposal to improve journey times and reliability of buses accessing Banbury town centre via Cherwell Street and Bridge Street.

81% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to improve the design of the Bridge Street/Cherwell Street junction to remove existing pedestrian safety issues and formalise lane arrangements.

81% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to improve pedestrian crossing facilities at the Bridge Street/Cherwell Street junction to support easier and safer access to bus stops, the rail station and the town centre.

87% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to improve signal timings to manage congestion for all traffic and ensure buses pass through the Bridge Street/Cherwell Street junction more efficiently.

85% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to extend the left turn from Cherwell Street (northbound) to Bridge Street (west).

81% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to widen and provide better marking of the eastbound bus lane on George Street and extend the existing traffic island to improve pedestrian crossing facilities at the junction.

91% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to refresh lane markings including ‘keep clear’ at junctions to improve movement of all traffic (including buses) through the study area.’

You were concerned about…

The scheme causing delay to motor vehicles and increasing congestion and pollution.

New traffic surveys and additional traffic modelling were carried out to understand the benefits and impacts of the proposals.

There are some benefits to general traffic, for example the yellow box at the George Street junction and for traffic travelling northbound on Cherwell Street.

However, there are also negative impacts, particularly for southbound traffic due to the increased time allowed for pedestrians to cross at the Bridge Street junction.

There is a clear benefit from increasing the number of people using the bus or walking/wheeling which requires a better road and pavement layout.

The impact of removing the right-turn lane from Concord Avenue into the town centre, to provide wider running lanes and a wider pedestrian island.

The right-turn movement has not been removed but has been combined with the straight-ahead lane. Lanes have then been reduced but widened resulting in two wider lanes as opposed to three narrower lanes.

There are benefits to pedestrians as movement through the junction should be safer.

We are working with the designers to investigate the potential impact on vehicles and any associated delay.

The impact of reducing the eastbound running-lanes to one lane on George Street at its junction with Cherwell Street, to provide a wider bus lane for the left turn movement and to improve the pedestrian crossing facilities.

We have investigated these concerns with the designers and their traffic modelling team. The current layout and bus tracking forces buses to swing across the right-hand lane of Cherwell Street. Making the recommended changes should benefit bus journeys. The pedestrian crossing facilities have been improved in the preliminary design and buses have an easier transition onto Cherwell Street.

Removing the Bridge Street (east) pedestrian island and changing the westbound running lanes to improve pedestrian safety and mobility.

We have considered this in detail with the designers and their modelling team. The latest design reduces the impact of this pedestrian improvement on vehicle drivers.

Pedestrian improvements form a large part of this project, and the highest level of support during the 2024 consultation came from those walking or wheeling into the town centre.

Outcome and next steps

Elements of the preferred design we consulted on in 2024 require the removal of highway lanes and/or reduced highway capacity to improve bus journeys and pedestrian crossing facilities.

In response to feedback, we have investigated this further using updated traffic modelling data and detailed design work.

We are now running a second consultation where we present an updated version of the preferred option and aim to gather more feedback to help us finalise a design ready for construction.

You Said We Did update from the 2024 consultation

From Monday 4 March to Monday 1 April 2024, we invited feedback on the proposed design for the Cherwell Street bus service improvement project.

The project includes bus priority measures as well as improved crossing facilities, optimisation of traffic signal times, changes to traffic lane allocation and lining/signing improvements.

These improvements will also bring safety benefits for people walking, cycling and wheeling between the town centre bus stops and the train station, whilst minimising impacts on general traffic.

120 completed surveys were received (115 online responses and five hard copies).

You said…

87% of public responses were favourable toward the proposal to improve journey times and reliability of buses accessing Banbury town centre via Cherwell Street and Bridge Street.

81% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to improve the design of the Bridge Street/Cherwell Street junction to remove existing pedestrian safety issues and formalise lane arrangements.

81% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to improve pedestrian crossing facilities at the Bridge Street/Cherwell Street junction to support easier and safer access to bus stops, the rail station and the town centre.

87% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to improve signal timings to manage congestion for all traffic and ensure buses pass through the Bridge Street/Cherwell Street junction more efficiently.

85% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to extend the left turn from Cherwell Street (northbound) to Bridge Street (west).

81% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to widen and provide better marking of the eastbound bus lane on George Street and extend the existing traffic island to improve pedestrian crossing facilities at the junction.

91% of public responses were favourable towards the proposal to refresh lane markings including ‘keep clear’ at junctions to improve movement of all traffic (including buses) through the study area.’

You were concerned about…

The scheme causing delay to motor vehicles and increasing congestion and pollution.

New traffic surveys and additional traffic modelling were carried out to understand the benefits and impacts of the proposals.

There are some benefits to general traffic, for example the yellow box at the George Street junction and for traffic travelling northbound on Cherwell Street.

However, there are also negative impacts, particularly for southbound traffic due to the increased time allowed for pedestrians to cross at the Bridge Street junction.

There is a clear benefit from increasing the number of people using the bus or walking/wheeling which requires a better road and pavement layout.

The impact of removing the right-turn lane from Concord Avenue into the town centre, to provide wider running lanes and a wider pedestrian island.

The right-turn movement has not been removed but has been combined with the straight-ahead lane. Lanes have then been reduced but widened resulting in two wider lanes as opposed to three narrower lanes.

There are benefits to pedestrians as movement through the junction should be safer.

We are working with the designers to investigate the potential impact on vehicles and any associated delay.

The impact of reducing the eastbound running-lanes to one lane on George Street at its junction with Cherwell Street, to provide a wider bus lane for the left turn movement and to improve the pedestrian crossing facilities.

We have investigated these concerns with the designers and their traffic modelling team. The current layout and bus tracking forces buses to swing across the right-hand lane of Cherwell Street. Making the recommended changes should benefit bus journeys. The pedestrian crossing facilities have been improved in the preliminary design and buses have an easier transition onto Cherwell Street.

Removing the Bridge Street (east) pedestrian island and changing the westbound running lanes to improve pedestrian safety and mobility.

We have considered this in detail with the designers and their modelling team. The latest design reduces the impact of this pedestrian improvement on vehicle drivers.

Pedestrian improvements form a large part of this project, and the highest level of support during the 2024 consultation came from those walking or wheeling into the town centre.

Outcome and next steps

Elements of the preferred design we consulted on in 2024 require the removal of highway lanes and/or reduced highway capacity to improve bus journeys and pedestrian crossing facilities.

In response to feedback, we have investigated this further using updated traffic modelling data and detailed design work.

We are now running a second consultation where we present an updated version of the preferred option and aim to gather more feedback to help us finalise a design ready for construction.

Page last updated: 24 Feb 2025, 12:13 PM