Post lockdown health and wellbeing – How are you doing? COVID-19 survey for clinically extremely vulnerable people

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Consultation has concluded

This survey is aimed at people who have been identified as clinically extremely vulnerable. We are keen to find out more about how we can best support residents, particularly residents who have been shielding, to adjust after the easing of lockdown restrictions. This survey is an opportunity for us to find out more about how lockdown has affected you.

'Shielding’ in the context of this survey, is the word used to describe how to protect those at highest risk of severe illness if they catch COVID-19. Earlier in the pandemic, people classified as clinically extremely vulnerable were asked to shield themselves following government guidance.

The government is no longer advising clinically extremely vulnerable people to shield. However, the latest government guidance states that you may wish to think particularly carefully about additional precautions you might wish to continue to take.

This survey can also be completed by residents who are looking after someone who is shielding.

This survey is aimed at people who have been identified as clinically extremely vulnerable. We are keen to find out more about how we can best support residents, particularly residents who have been shielding, to adjust after the easing of lockdown restrictions. This survey is an opportunity for us to find out more about how lockdown has affected you.

'Shielding’ in the context of this survey, is the word used to describe how to protect those at highest risk of severe illness if they catch COVID-19. Earlier in the pandemic, people classified as clinically extremely vulnerable were asked to shield themselves following government guidance.

The government is no longer advising clinically extremely vulnerable people to shield. However, the latest government guidance states that you may wish to think particularly carefully about additional precautions you might wish to continue to take.

This survey can also be completed by residents who are looking after someone who is shielding.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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