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RCADS - Parent version

Thank you for accessing the link. This questionnaire is essential for clinicians to understand the needs of your family and will be used to inform our assessment and interventions. Please engage with the questions as much as you can to ensure we have the most accurate representation of your child and family's needs.

Printed Copies

You can request a paper copy of these assessment questionnaires by contacting or call our team administrator on 01865 897083.

Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale (Parent Version)

Please select the response that shows how often each of these things happens to your child. There are no right or wrong answers. 

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


My child worries about things
My child feels sad or empty
When my child has a problem, he/she gets a funny feeling in his/her stomach
My child worries when he/she thinks he/she has done poorly at something
My child feels afraid of being alone at home
Nothing is much fun for my child anymore
My child feels scared when taking a test
My child worries when he/she thinks someone is angry with him/her
My child worries about being away from me
My child is bothered by bad or silly thoughts or pictures in his/her mind
My child has trouble sleeping
My child worries about doing badly at school work
My child worries that something awful will happen to someone in the family
My child suddenly feels as if he/she can't breathe where there is no reason for this
My child has problems with his/her appetite
My child has to keep checking that he/she has done things right (like the switch is off, or the door is locked)
My child feels scared to sleep on his/her own
My child has trouble going to school in the mornings because of feeling nervous or afraid
My child has no energy for things
My child worries about looking foolish
My child is tired a lot
My child worries about bad things will happen to him/her
My child can't seem to get bad or silly thoughts out of his/her head
When my child has a problem, his/her heart beats really fast
My child cannot think clearly
My child suddenly starts to tremble or shake when there is no reason for this
My child worries that something bad will happen to him/her
When my child has a problem, he/she feels shaky
My child feels worthless
My child worries about making mistakes
My child has to think of special thoughts (like numbers or words) to stop bad things from happening
My child worries what other people think of him/her
My child is afraid of being in crowded places (like shopping centres, the movies, buses, busy playgrounds)
All of a sudden my child will feel really scared for no reason at all
My child worries about what is going to happen
My child suddenly becomes dizzy or faint when there is no reason for this
My child thinks about death
My child feels afraid if he/she have to talk in front of the class
My child's heart suddenly starts to beat too quickly for no reason
My child feels like he/she doesn't want to move
My child worries that he/she will suddenly get a scared feeling when there is nothing to be afraid of
My child has to do something over and over again (like washing hands, cleaning, or putting things in a certain order)
My child feels afraid that he/she will make a fool of him/herself in front of people
My child has to do somethings in just the right way to stop bad things from happening
My child worries when in bed at night
My child would feel scared if he/she had to stay away from home overnight
My child feels restless